A Brief Review of Vaxxed: From Coverup to Catastrophe

in #health8 years ago (edited)

I watched Vaxxed last night. It was... disturbing... in many ways. What follows is my review.

Vaxxed: From Coverup to Catastrophe

First, if you watch the movie at the above link, try to be aware that movies are a LOT of work to put together. We live in a society that runs on money, and we must vote with our dollars right now - it's more important than ever. If we want accurate "reporting" we need to back sources that provide this in a meaningful way. Please consider donating or otherwise attempting to compensate the movie makers so we can encourage more of this kind of content. That said, this content is important for the public to know, so watch it while you can.

Vaccines Cause No Harm ... ?

If you are of the camp that "vaccines cause no harm" - you really do owe it to yourself to fully comprehend what the CDC has been up to all this time. Del Matthew Bigtree summarizes:

  • (Unprecedented) Deviation from Analysis Plan
  • Omission of crucial data
  • Destruction of Documents (all destroyed except the whistle blower's)
  • Obstruction of Justice
  • Misleading Congress
  • Grievous harm caused to innocent children

The documentary reveals damning evidence that the CDC not only knew there was a statistically significant link between MMR and autism (even that boys are more impacted than girls) but that scientists in the CDC actively destroyed evidence to cover it up. Further, they apparently lied to Congress about it as well. Pretty serious accusations.

MMR Link to Autism

This documentary is mostly focused on the MMR vaccine only. This particular vaccine is the most potentially dangerous, and it so happens - when the VAXXED project became known - we suddenly heard reports of "Measles outbreak in Disney Land!! Be sure your MMR vaccine is up to date!" touted all over mainstream media. What a coincidence. We must apply some deductive reasoning here and connect the dots. (The government is certainly not doing it for us.)

Vaccine Health Trials Not Rigorous Compared To Other Pharmaceuticals

Interesting to note that vaccine health studies DO NOT employ the same rigor as "pills" in the pharma industry. There are no long term health studies, NOR are their studies that focus on the impacts of mixing various vaccines. Thus, our children are literally the guinea pigs for vaccine data. Even more interesting is that the CDC (as of 2015) has never studied/published a control group related to vaccine safety - they have not exposed a study of any correlation between non-vaccinated vs vaccinated health impact.

You Cannot Sue Companies for Damages

In the event you were not aware, parents cannot sue vaccine manufacturers like Pfizer and Merck if their child is damaged by vaccination. They must petition government employees via the so called "Vaccine Court" and IF APPROVED - they might receive a payout. The average payout for an autistic child was $5 million UNTIL the fraudulent CDC study published there is no possible correlation. Since that study, autism damage has been refused by the court.

But... Polio?

Perhaps the poster child of vaccine success remains Polio. Everyone knows it was vaccines that wiped out polio. What most people DON'T know is its existence is tightly correlated with the use of the broad spectrum insecticide, DDT. This chart reveals more than words ever could:
(Read more here: http://www.greenmedinfo.com/blog/everything-you-learned-about-cause-polio-wrong) So, clearly we must ask whether in fact is was the vaccine, or if it was a well known neurotoxin that eventually became illegal to use in most countries.

Doctors React to Whistleblower Data... They Are Not Happy

It is important for all of us to understand that we all - parents, doctors, and scientists alike - are relying on organizations like the CDC to provide accurate studies and reports. This is how we make our decisions. But, what happens when the source of "definitive" data on vaccines is compromised? It means every single one of us is making decisions based on false data.

Towards the end of the documentary, we see the reactions of a couple doctors who actually read the whistle blower data. Their reactions are telling: visibly disturbed they have been lied to, and concerned they have provided false information to their patients for over a decade. They are not happy.

We all should take this seriously.

The Public Needs to Know

Overall, the movie is well organized and polished - it is a good but disturbing watch. I urge all parents with young children to watch it. Doctors too. We don't know at what point you might be opening yourselves to legal responsibility related to vaccine safety and it is important to maintain honor and standing with your Hippocratic Oath which states, in part:

I will use treatment to help the sick according to my ability and judgment, but never with a view to injury and wrong-doing. Neither will I administer a poison to anybody when asked to do so, nor will I suggest such a course. (...)

Into whatsoever houses I enter, I will enter to help the sick, and I will abstain from all intentional wrong-doing and harm, especially from abusing the bodies of man or woman, bond or free.

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