Water-fueled Cars: The End of Fossil-fuel Dominance?

in #technology7 years ago (edited)

"One day, cars would run on water, and at Bank PHB we are already thinking like that."


This old TV advert of a Nigerian Bank Bank PHB (now Keystone Bank) in Youtube had above to say.

There had been this growing back and forth debate whether the world is at the risk of running out of fossil fuel or not. Proponents of this school of thought believed that would happen in the next 54 years. While those who oppose that said there is no cause for worry as advances in technology would make for a more efficient method of exploration.

So, even if fossil fuels are inexhaustible, there had been the various concern on fossil fuel use. Chief of which is its effects on the environment; pollution. Every year new cars are made which are said to be more efficient than others in its polluting index. By the end of the day, no matter its efficiency it is contributing to pollution with resultant global warming with its consequent catastrophic mayhem unleashed in terms of hurricanes, iceberg melting, etc.

"The lifetime of fossil fuel CO2 in the atmosphere is a few centuries, plus 25 percent that lasts essentially forever. The next time you fill your tank, reflect upon this...the climatic impacts of releasing fossil fuel CO2 to the atmosphere will last longer than Stonehenge… Longer than time capsules, longer than nuclear waste, far longer than the age of human civilization so far." —“Carbon is forever,” Mason Inman

Can Cars Run on Water?

Yes. But is it more efficient than the fossil fuel engine? No, at the moment.

Water is oxidized hydrogen. To separate the hydrogen from oxygen requires a process known as electrolysis. Hydrogen now released is a highly flammable gas which could then be used as a fuel to power up the car.


Many companies are out there each having one version of a Water-Powered Car or in the very least a conversion of the normal fossil-fuel engine to use water. All end up not seeing much commercial success for the simple reason of it not being efficient. People are generally very passionate about this and are always quick to blame the "evil Oil Companies" or the government and other similar conspiracies, forgetting the basic science which points to its inefficiency.

So, we can only hope that in the future a more efficient method of making that happen would be available. Now, that you are privy to this information, have you thought of buying a share of the Atlantic?

Ref: 1,2

@greenrun ...still running :)


Many people drive to work, park for 8-9 hours, then drive home.

For many years I have wondered if a combination of Solar and H2O power could or would work.

Solar panels on the car, create and store the H2.
Perhaps in an almost closed loop system to reduce the required water inputs.

Maybe not zero point energy, but could panels generate enough conversion power to get me to / from work?

Maybe someone can do the calculation to see if feasible currently.
Maybe we need more efficient panels first?

Yes, I think a hybrid of solar and hydro technology would be more efficient, at the present, in actualising such dreams.

While a solar panel on the roof of your car wouldn't hurt, it will not suffice. A Nissan leaf uses an average of 16,5 kWh per 100km, a solar panel generates around 250 Wh (0,25 kWh).

Thanks for info.
So if I live only 25km from work I need ~8kw to get to & from.
8 hrs = 4kw charge (less clouds & losses etc)
So I'm around about 50% of where I need to be.
So if I can double the panel output
&/ or 'compact' (moores law?) the panels to double efficiency
then I have a solution?

Given the rate of tech dev, ( a couple of years ago I saw panels that were 10x the current ones)
and "solar concentrators" (freznel lens? or steam generator?) might help, I'm feeling confident it may not be that far away.
And I forgot to mention nano-tech & solar spray painting roof tiles.
I sense a solution on the horizon!

@fred777bear, that is a possibility in the future. But with current technology, that may be a little hard to cram enough solar panel into the surface area of a car that would be powerful enough to cover the car's energy need.

@gregan, I think that is always the issue with solar, the space-capacity conundrum. Solar always need a bigger space area, at least with the current technology, to handle bigger energy requirement.

Hi @greenrun
A share of the Atlantic?? Please get your portion first then invite me to come see it. or when the cars actually start running on water maybe then i can consider getting my share.
Thanks keep running its 3:52 am


Yeah, don't you want to enjoy the dividend of being a shareholder while the water technology had taken off?

For now please let me enjoy my dividend as a minnow on steemit.

I would dream that one day the water would be efficient as fuel for transport vehicles. Then many benefits_ the damage to the ecosystem would be avoided with the oil excavations, more trees would be planted to maintain the water sources and third decrease of the emission of carbon dioxide, therefore positive effect on the human health. I'm going to dream about this.

That is everybody's dream, especially those who want a cleaner planet, devoid of all these constant pollution that trails oil exploration.

That technology was invented years ago but government of any nation do not support it but they support clean air act. Wondering why, they will going to loose billion dollar a month.

Almost every country support the climate change initiative, if they do and still do not want a car that runs on water, is that hypocritical of them? Thanks for joining the conversation.

good post friend. follow me thanks

I always like when people think of Hydrogen/water fueled vehicles as a method to replace hydrocarbon burning vehicles. The water faction seem to think that since the only byproduct of water cars is water vapor they would be better for the environment.
London is famous for some very Foggy Days, Central California is famous for some very foggy days. Water vapor is fog. Now take a minute and imaging a million cars in London or multiple millions of cars in Central California Valley, I have been in the California fog, it gets really bad at times.
On the plus side for California, all that water vapor making more and more foggy days, maybe it will help out the drought situation.

Water-fueled car at present technology is a dream which may come true if there's an advance in technology. Is there drought presently in California?

Depends on who you ask as to drought. Some say yes, some same the drought ended this year, i know there was one for the previous 5 years or so it seems. But this year they had a more normal rainfall season, and are hoping for a normal snowfall season, before really saying the drought is over.

Ok. That's good to hear. I'm glad you are back from the brief hiatus. Welcome back and happy steeming.

Hahaha..... I bought from the ocean.

I don't really have money...lol

Lol you don try its good to cut your coat according to your size.

Hahaha, i used to like Bank PhB when they came to existence in Nigeria then. I watched their reality show when they wanted to do their initial recruitment. But it saddens to know how many changes they have gone through negatively. With advancement in technology, we are going to have water powered car in the nearest future. What is needed to be discovered is a better way to get such car powered. We may be closer than we know.

I think it's only a matter of time till we hit the eureka moment.

Some nations are already prepared for the
future. We're simply going to adapt-as usual.

Prepared or be left behind. The world can't wait for one man to get ready before moving forward.

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