Love in Abundance

in #love6 years ago

And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God. — Ephesians 3:19 (KJV)

lilac-3366467__480.jpgAbundance of love

One of the unsearchable mystery is the love of Christ. Thus we have come to know that God loves us but we can't figure out why (reason) or how (depth), since it's beyond human knowledge. At times we might be tempted to think Christ love us cuz of our numerous engagement with spiritual exercises, but before we even knew Him, He loved us all the same. The knowledge of the existence of Christ's love empower us to be in the realm of fullness of God,Hallelujah! Everyone,no matter how wicked will always respond and run towards love. So,we all need love and God has showered it on us abundantly enough to go round.

Brethren,don't just be loved but love others genuinely. I wanna establish today,that when you are full of genuine love of God,you are full of God: For God is love.

As you go out and come in, may this consciousness dominate your hearts and keep you shining in God's presence. May your love for others lift Jesus high that He might draw men to Himself. I love you.