Living Unto The Lord

Romans 14:8 For whether we live, we live unto the Lord; and whether we die, we die unto the Lord: whether we live therefore, or die, we are the Lord's.


Our lives belong to the Almighty God, the Lord of all. Thus while living, we must constantly remember that we don't own ourselves. It's expedient we acknowledge the great I AM who conclusively have the final decision over our physical existence on earth and our eternity with Him. Brethren, our pride should be that we have Christ, not properties, degrees or some position in life. This is so because we can't decide when to die or how long to live, our influence notwithstanding.

We should be ready to die unto the Lord anytime He calls, if so be that we are living unto Him. If our lives is right with God, we should not be afraid of leaving this physical world at anything, nor should we be afraid of living another day.
Today is a gift, live it unto the Lord! Let go of things that distract you from a life of holiness. Let Christ reign and your life shall be filled with daily benefits.

Let's pray together.
Dear Lord, thank you for giving us the opportunity to live for you on earth. Please strengthen us to continually live for you daily and never compromise, in Jesus name. Amen.

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