God's Involvement

in HeartChurch2 years ago

Romans 8:31 What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?


The presence of God in our endeavors is one of the most important factor that determines the success of our journey in life.

It's amazing here because, just His involvement in our matter makes everything beautiful and meaningful.

Is Jesus involved in what you are doing? Is He in charge of your dealings in that relationship, marriage, business, academics or ministry?

It's too dangerous to sideline God from our lives. This is because the world lies in wickedness.

There's always forces ready to counter good things in our lives, irrespective of how good and careful we are. This is why a good man can be betrayed, frustrated in office or even killed and nobody will talk.

The forces against good can use anybody, even the closest person.

It's only when Christ is fully involved, that these forces are defeated.

Don't allow confidence in past glory, educational qualifications or talents to rob you of being humble enough to bring God into the matter.

If God be for us, nothing can hinder us, for nothing can hinder the Great I AM.

Let's pray together.
Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for your involvement in our lives. Please help us to surrender every area of our lives into your care and cease from struggles, in Jesus name. Amen.

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