Thinking And Planning At Night

in Project HOPE2 years ago


Studies of the wealthiest men show the fact that these class of people tend to stay late into the night, doing nothing much, but thinking and making plans for the next day, week, month, year or years ahead. The wealthy people stay awake at night to think and dream big, and read helpful books, while the average and poorer people sleep or watch movies at night.

Basically the environment tends to be less noisy from 12 midnight till like 5am. This is a very critical time for you to be making plans for your day ahead, and for you to be evaluating how you spent your previous day. You should always reflect through your previous day to see if there are things you can improve. But focus more on your day ahead.

Knowing that everywhere tends to be quieter at night, and there's lesser distractions - you can think about your finance, and creative ways you can better your life. It's really important to write out your plans for the next day, and visualize it. This is the time of the day to really take advantage of.


When you set your mind on your purpose or work actively on it between 12am and 5am, there's a lot more progress achieved. Looking at the stories of some of the wealthiest men of our time - let's take Bill Gates for example - research has it that he was spending the night working in the office when he started Microsoft.

Elon Musk also worked and did his thinking at night when he and his brother started their first company. Same with Steve Jobs and many others. There is really something special about visualizing at night and thinking and planning on your biggest goals at night. When it's daytime, it's easier for you to take actions because you've already had deep thoughts on the reason why you do what you do.

Thanks for reading. If you have any contribution, kindly drop it in the comment section below. Bye for now!!!



Hello @greatideas, I know this situation very closely, I am used to working on large engineering projects at night until the wee hours of the morning when necessary, I find a lot of calm at this time, there is a lot of silence and I can concentrate better, think better and my creativity is more active.
On the other hand, I have a hard time going to sleep early, I always have things to plan and solve and these are the best hours.

there is a lot of silence and I can concentrate better, think better and my creativity is more active.

This is the main benefit of planning and thinking at night, the silence increases your concentration level and you're very active creatively. Thanks for commenting.

The night season should be maximised effectively because it is very cool and calm, and one tends to meditate more in such kind of environment.

Excellent read buddy

The quiet of the night makes it a really good time to meditate. Thanks for commenting buddy.

Elon Musk also worked and did his thinking at night when he and his brother started their first company

This is a very good example and this Elon is almost in every media channel. I agree that thinking and planning is a combined approach that we should follow.

Elon Musk has become one of the most influential people on the planet. And he understands the importance of working late into the night, when you want to get things done. Thanks for commenting.

This is so true. Great ideas are birthed while meditating at night. I'm sure you must have noticed that your thought process is more coordinated at night than in the day time. It's true for everyone. We must learn how to maximize our night time. Great post @greatideas.

I'm sure you must have noticed that your thought process is more coordinated at night than in the day time

I've noticed that. We must all take advantage of our nights, to create a better future for ourselves. Thanks for commenting.

Serenity can do a lot for memory and creativity. Not just at night, peace is the biggest ingredient for creativity.

Serenity can do a lot for memory and creativity

Correctly said. Thanks for commenting.

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