Studying The Biography Of Great People

in Project HOPE3 years ago


One cannot overstate the importance of studying the lives of great people. There's just so much that we can learn by really digging into what makes these great minds tick. If one is able to read about so many different powerful people from different backgrounds, you have enriched your mind in a really great way.

When we try to understand what really motivated them into doing what they did that put their names in history, then we can follow in their footstep, and if we're fortunate enough, we may also find our names in history books as well.

I'm always of the believe that there are secrets in life, there are information that you'll get, that will change your life for good. Sometimes, a word of wisdom, could open doors of understanding that you can make lots for good things happen for yourself from that.

It's important that when reading the biography of people you admire or great people in general, you ensure to cross check the information provided from other sources.

So it doesn't lead you the wrong path. In recent times, there are videos that prove and show you clearly how some really great men/women schedule their day to day lives; and that could really help you better plan yourself.


Also read their quotes and try to understand the depth from where their reasoning is coming from. If some of your favorite great people have written books, you may consider reading these books, as you can learn more about them, and emulate some of their unique qualities into your own life.

Remember, nobody came to earth with all the knowledge, most times people learn from the lives of other people. And the quality of the live of the person you're learning from will greatly impact your life. All we know, we learned from people - from our teachers, guardians and people that surround us.

When you read about great minds, you grow bigger than your environment, and circumstance, you develop a broader sense of understanding of life. If truly we'll be able to invent some unique and unseen before, then most times we would have first learned all there is, before pushing further.

Thanks for reading. If you have any contribution, kindly drop it in the comment section below. Bye for now!!!



Hello @greatideas!
Reading about the lives of great people can motivate us at a certain time, and take their experiences as learning, we do not know everything and we must do our best to seek help and nourish ourselves with information through reading. Thanks for sharing, greetings!

One of the best posts I've read, apart from the fact that it is one of my favorite topics literature and writers, I always advocate to know the history of those who shape and build parallel worlds that many live.
thank you for such a nourishing contribution.

When we read and study the lives of great people we might gain or know what takes those great men and women years to detect in just a second.

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