[TED] 두려움 세팅하기_Tim Ferriss_영어 문장으로 공부하기

in #ted6 years ago

180814 __ Ted Talk __ Tim Ferriss __ Why you should define your fears instead of your goals

__Such a great words with great vocab, useful expressions in formal way.

1.. back to back _ 연이어, 꼬리에 꼬리를 물고 // 서로 등을 맞대고
_ He bolted down two cans back to back.(두캔연달아마심) // back to back questions, ….

2.. eventually _ 결국,
_ Our flight eventually left five hours late.

3.. improvise _ 임기응변으로, 뭐든 있는것으로 처리하다.
_ There isn’t much equipment. We’re going to have to improvise.

4.. impassive _ 아무런 감정이 없는, 무표정한
_ His face was impassive as the judge sentenced him to death.

5.. thrive _ 번영하다, 잘 자라다
_ New businesses thrive in this area.

6.. comprehensive _ 포괄적인, 종합적인
_ She has a comprehensive understanding of the subject.

7.. exclusively _ 배타적으로, 독점적으로, 오로지, 오직...뿐
_exclusive (독점,전용의) __ This hotel has exclusive access to beach.
__ This information is used exclusively to send mails.

8.. fly off the handle _ 버럭 화를 내다, 발끈하다, 자제력을 잃다
9.. infraction _ 위반

10.. downward spiral _ A series of thoughts or actions which feeds back into itself, causing a situation to become progressively worse. It is worse than a vicious circle, which is self-sustaining in its current state.
A depressive state where the person experiencing the downward spiral is getting more and more depressed, perhaps due to causes unknown

11.. unabate(d) _ 꾸준히 계속하다, 조금도 수그러들지 않는,
_abate __ 강도가 약해지다, 약화시키다
__ The storm showed no signs of abating.
__ The heat has subsided [abated]. => 더위가 수그러들었다.

12.. wind down _ 긴장을 풀다, 긴장을 풀고 쉬다 / 서서히 줄이다(그리고 마침내 종료가 됨)
__ The government is winding down its nuclear progamme.
__ The wind-down of the company was handled very efficiently.(완전 종료를 위한 단계적 축소)

13.. incessant _ 끊임없는, 계속적인

14.. get audited _ 검사결과를 얻다
15.. raided _ 습격,급습
16.. shut down _ 멈추다, 문을 닫다, 정지하다

17.. likelihood _ 가능성
18.. stave off _ (안좋은일을) 늦추다,피하다 / 간신히 모면하다
19.. easy peasy _ 아주쉬운

20.. fork over _ (돈,물건) 마지못해) 내다, 넘겨주다, 지불하다
_ to pay for something, especially when you do not want to

21..atrocious _ 형편없는 끔찍한
__ She speaks french with an atrocious accent.

22.. Monkey-mind _ Meditation term for a mind that refuses to be quiet and concentrated, so that your meditation is interfered with by your attention constantly finding new objects

23.. further out _ far out : 틀에 박히지 않은, 참신한, 파격적인..

24.. intangible _ Something that is intangible is abstract or is hard to define or measure.
__ The old building had an intangible air of sadness about it.
__ There are intangible benefits beyond a rise in the share price.

25.. extricate _ (곤란한상황에서) 해방되다,
__ He had managed to extricate himself from most of his official duties.

26.. avert _ 방지하다, 피하다
__A disaster was narrowly averted.
__ avert from (turn away from ) ~부터 한숨돌리다
__ avert people’s eye / 이목을 꺼리다

27.. flee _ 달아나다, 도망가다 (수동태로 안쓴다. 자동사로만)

28.. terse _ (예의에 어긋날 정도로) 간결한, 간단한
__ terse style (간결한 문체) // terse reply(퉁명스러운 대답)
__terseness; brevity; conciseness; simplicity. 간결, 간단명료.
( terse / brief / concise / simple )

29.. akin _ -와 유사한
__ What he felt was more akin to pity than love.
how he had used stoicism and something akin to fear-setting)
blow my mind

30.. get into a funk _ 겁이 더럭 나다. // funk __ 무서움, 겁,공황/의기소침,실의,낙담
__ He is sitting in his room in a funk. (방에 침울하게 앉아있어)
__ funk at the edge of a precipice (벼랑끝에서 무서워하다.)

31.. precipice _ 벼랑, 낭떠러지 / precipitate _ (특히 나쁜 일을) 촉발 시키다
__ His resignation precipitated a leadership crisis.
_ precipitous _ 가파른, 깍아지른 듯한 (sheer)

32.. upside _ [명사] (전반적으로 나쁜 상황의 비교적) 괜찮은[긍정적인] 면

33.. play up something _ to try to make something appear more important than it really is
__ She played up her achievements in an attempt to impress us.

It’s not sad. It’s not particulary happy. It’s just an impassive creature taking whatever life sends its way.
I would rather encourage you to think about stoicism a little bit but differently, as an operating system for thriving in high-stress environments, for making better decisions.
People used stoicism as a comprehensive system for doing many many things.
But for our purposes, chief among them was training yourself to separate what you can control from what you cannot control, and then doing exercises to focus exclusively on the former.
If you’re CEO, and you fly off the handle at a very valued employee because of a minor infraction, that could cost you the employee.
If you’re a college student who, say, is in a downward spiral, and you feel helpless and hopeless, unabated, that could cost you your life.
I was using depressants to wind down and go to sleep.
I felt completely trapped.
My problem was monkey mind- super loud, very incessant.
We suffer more often in imagination than in reality.
What could I do to prevent each of these bullets from happening, or, at the very least, decrease the likelihood even a little bit?
I knew that helped to stave off depressive episodes.
I could fork over some money, fly to spain, get some sun_ undo the damage, if i got into a funk.
You can see we’re playing up the fears and really taking a conservative look at the upside.
What we don’t often consider is the atrocious cost of the status quo- not changing anything.
Any further out, it starts to seem intangible.
My business was going to implode(붕괴,폭파) at any moment at all times, if i didn’t step away. My relationships were fraying(옷가지가 너덜너덜해지다) or failing. And I realized that inaction(활동안하는 것) was no longer an option for me.
I was able to extricate myself from business.
He and his wife had to flee poland, bounce from country to country, until they landed in the US with next to nothing, sleeping on floors.
Not only was he familiar with stoicism, but he pointed out, for all of his most important decisions, his inflection points, when he stood up for his principles and ethics.

테드강의를 하시는 분들의 단어 선택이나 문장 구조가 참 이쁜것 같다. 뭔가 고급지고 formal한 느낌.
유투브의 대단함도 느꼇다. 자막도 나오고 전체 스크립트도 나오고.
저거는 내가 직접 자막보면서 모르는 단어가 나오는 부분의 스크립트를 적어놓은 것인데
읽으면서 따라해보면서 입에 익숙해지게 몇번씩 문장구조 이해하면서 읽어보는 용도.
무조건 입에 익혀야 된다.

이런 류의 강의들을 들어보고 한번도 하라는대로 한적이 없다. 이것도 해보지는 않았지만, 내가 두려워 하는 것들의 실체를 좀더 명확하게 잡는다면 결국 대수롭지 않게 여겨질 수도 있다는 것에 의의가 있는 것 같다.

항상 정지해 있을때는 움직이기 쉽지않다. 흔히 말하는 momentum위에서는 모든지 더 쉬워질 것이다.
멈춰있는 지금, 무언가 시작하기전에 두려움부터 없애보자. 없애기나 할 수 있을까

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