LIVE it :post Halloween random thoughts

in #travelfeed6 years ago (edited)


Hi folks,

I woked up after 13hours sleep. What does it tell you? I was dead tired. Why? For one, I worked on five days consecutive night shift to earn my keep and on my last shift I need to cut my sleep short to set up a booth for team for the Halloween. Too bad, no pictures to show as our company have strong policy against pictures taken in the production floor. To give you a hint let me show you down of thw items I make use of. See picture below.
Can you guess? I wonder who or my followers actually read my post so to text I will be giving away one SBD if you can first guess three items I actually made use of. Two are plain to see actually .

Well we didn't bag any price but it's fine with me as long as we were able to spread some happy vines even though some would raise eyebrows if I'm a true Christian when I join with glee this pagan traditions. My point, its but pure fun for me it's not like I'm into witchcraft it vodoo.Its not like I become Wonder Woman just because I watched it read comics about her though of course I wouldn't refuse if I were given the chance.
I long decided post kidney surgery that I will celebrate life always. That everyday is a party and to live it like its my last. So while I am mindful I am way behind my Deutsche class because of my trip to Korea I decided to spend my evening studying Deutsche on Philippines first 24hours operational library located .Nowhere else like it. Read my previous post about it as its just a walk away from the capitol building

To wake me up I queued for the 50percent off on cakes and other baked goodies in my favorite " bakerie" as its said in deutsche
There I am beaming my ear to ear smile while sipping a brewed "kaffe"awaiting clock turns to ten so I can avail of the discount. I love this place as it comes with consumer friendly charging station, friendly staff and so thought provoking arts for sale.I just love the smell of fresh baked bread and the aroma of coffee beans as they brew. On top of that, its me supporting local entrepreneurs because I firmly believe that for economic prosperity one should patronize it's own .If you want example of this theory see how Japan, China and Korea climb it's way to the top.So, if by chance you visit Cebu do drop by for a local taste. Cliche as it is said "When in Rome do what Romans do" has been my travel's mantra. Hence when I am backpacking in a foreign country I don't crave for Pinoy foods.

Did you notice the "metal ants sculpture "In case you did here it is again. I am thinking I must be an artist in another life as its the details I notice first. When I travel it's those tiny intricate details that that makes my heart skip a beat. Here again for your eyes only. :)♥IMG_20181104_221850.jpg
While I think of the workload of Deutsche "bewerbung "homework I need to do before the rooster croaks I remind myself not to be overwhelmed if the "groBe "huge task ahead for me but to try to focus more on the joys of finally doing Steemit post in 2 languages.When I come to think of it all those sleepless nights and hours of study plus the expenses makes it all worthwhile. IMG_20181104_213602.jpg



So what does Halloween mean to you beyond the superficial costumes and parties? To me it means being grateful that I am still alive and that a sea of opportunities awaits me. It means I can celebrate life be it in feasting on things that excites my senses. It means I can still enjoy soulful relationships and make memories that will last me a lifetime. IMG_20181104_213539.jpg




Being alive for me means to be passionately in it not just existing. It means to me supporting causes I believe in be it endorsing local brands or volunteering in charitable works when I can. It means counting my joys than my sorrows.
Yes, since it was on fifty percent off I bought them all so I can eat them while I study. And my favorite is this traditional meat pieso.The thin flaky crust just melts in your mouth and the spicy ground meat will burn your mouth for more.Not bad at 73php since I am at empty stomach with all those hours of sleep. The cheesecake at 93php I will eat for breakfast while the Danish bread will be my snacks during class and the brownies and the chocolate cake will be my preshift bribe. My work doesn't come easy but considering others are jobless I consider myself lucky.

Many people fear too many things that in the end they missed out on life. That to me is worst than being on a literal prison. When I turned 30 I decided I will be my own best friend so I need not worry about others affirmation of me. as long as I do no wrong to anyone I feel I can welcome death at any time. I don't fear death as it makes living more exciting because you know you won't live forever hence you need to act on it and not procrastinate until there's no more time left. So I utter words of love and forgiveness when I can. I don't get even with anyone as its God's and not mine. instead I make sure I am doing things that makes me happy in any day. I live it like its my last. IMG20181104213008.jpg

Yes you can say I am in love with this life for all its frivolities. So I hope as you read this post you find for yourself a life you love. As no one would do it for thee.Thank you for reading my post. Let me know your thoughts. Be true to yourself. Celebrate the unique you I say.Live your life as you had wanted devoid of fear of failure.Finding your pleasure is your business I say.Honor the dead loved ones by being the best you.Go through this life with a traveller's eye. Meaning to see each experience with gusto. To see only the beauty in a place and in the experience. It's true anyway we are but nothing but sojourners hence with that take only memories would be a good advice to live by. When our time is done we won't be able to take those possessions anyway so don't press yourself to have what your neighbours have.
Take time to enjoy this life and not just toil day in and day out.Have fun. Yes secure for thyself but rememebr to find always life's pleasure. Pursue your passion. Discover new interest or hobby. Make as many friends as you can. Learn as much. Xoxoxox from me to you as always .Say it with me auf Deutsche "Ich liebe Leben!"It means I love life in German.


till next post,

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