How to combat negative vibes

in #philippines6 years ago (edited)


I have lived long enough to have my shares of sadness be it the death of a loved one, heartbreak, joblessness, sickness and even disasters and huge and typhoon Haiyan. YES I cried as most people do there was even a point I hate God, myself and the very idea of living. Yet to be able to write this I would say I learned a thing or two how to cope with it

FIRST, I think to myself that nothing that ever happened to me was an accident. Yes it's cliche but it's true, my life story is completely unique from everyone else. Same is true how I cope with my setbacks, frustrations and all those negative vibes you'd live with.When I think in that line, I end up feeling special rather than a helpless victim of circumstance. When of ponder of the countless possibilities how my life would be different had this and that never took place I find myself grateful for what I have rather than whats missing. I start to see God's omnipotence and power in the very fact I breath while others are pile of dust or that my situations isn't as worst as others. IMG_20181011_123726.jpg

I wasn't born with a silver spoon. Hence early on in life I knew I need to struggle with life. In this my God had a chunk role. I don't attend mass often yet I know in my heart he always have my back. So when St Pio heart was in Cebu I took the time to see him. Lucky was I because my heart imprinted shirt gets to touch himAs much as I'd like my family and friends to stick around when the going gets tough humans as they are they can only hang around for sometime until it's time to save their own hide. so on this tone, I dont really put my heart on human relationships as much.

Since our emotional disposition has to don'twith our physical health and vice versa I really take time to pamper myself and to give myself personal time to reflect on my life priorities .In this walk, compromise is Mor elf a rule than an exception. It's between trips I get to ask myself what exactly is of value to me and to what extent an I able to compromise

Be it local or international I welcome trips and they allow me fresh perspective of my problem, the solution and as opportune time to assess what really matters to me and the why's. Figuring it out,the when, how and what are easy
In many of my trips I discover more of my self and this somehow gives me confidence that I can hurdle anything. Recently I learned how to navigate a horse in an city street because I needed to go to a place I never been. Knowing O am capable of learning skills and attitude and is an empowering thought.
Comfort food is also another strategy though one has to watch out for extra pounds. Nothing beats good food and a good laugh with friends who reminds you of the beauty in you. Same can be said with enjoyable experience of a relaxing massage




Officemates talking about work irritates some but not me. As I get tricks from them how to lessen my workload hence I welcome them as opportunity to bond and learn from each other. Same can be said for my Deutsch class. In those brief talks over delicious food we get to emotionally support each this life not everything is about money IMG_20180927_081847.jpg

If my wallet allow me I go for shopping. Yes others have been addicted by it but the idea of instant gratification is really a come on.Good thing in my country thrift stores abound so no way are you going to break those wallets. My favorite are shoes. The movie Sex in the City did say "shoes takes you to places "and party I agree to that there is a certain boost of confidence in a high heeled shoes

Last but not the least, I go for a haircut. The act of cutting makes me separate from my problem and have the needed breather. If you don't want a chop then maybe a change of hair color or hair style. Other change lipstick tint. IMG_20181013_114217.jpg
Other suggestions include having a pet to cuddle. Had i not been born asthmatic this would have been a lovely idea.But got now I'd just watch him from a distance.
Hard task though if your an animal lover like me. IMG_20180805_024347.jpg
Off course there is movie watching or concerts. Last year I let the actress -singer serenade me with love songs she just a new widow and I was the one that got away hahah.Music really has a way of soothing a war turned soul.

sports had favored some but just watching them can help you release all those pent up frustrations just the same. So go watch even if you don't know the mechanics. Watching the victors take their places would a flush of adrenaline to run your life race
Irregardless what method you'd choose I hope it doesnt destroy the beautiful you in and this life pain will be a cerainty so I hope you brace yourself well in impact.I hope you choose to live life inspite of its difficulties .To seize the day cliche as it sounds. Volunteer if you had to, sleep as much, hit the gym, read a good book... honor life by focusing on it's joy than its sorrow.
Till next post,

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