'Sileca 3' - New Original Music - More Playing Around w/ Logic's Synth Sounds - Electronic/Instrumental + Walkthrough

in #music5 years ago

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This is another random creation

from the other night, which, although not a complete song, has some parts I really like. Basically, it starts with one track, one time through, then every subsequent repeat, another track comes in. When they're all being used, it feels really cool and complete, though I think if I were to expand this into a song, I would completely alter the beginning, so its not just a constant build up of the same progression. I'll probably wind up writing a part or two around the 'full' section, and try and incorporate it into a more complete song idea, rather than just a single progression.

Listen to Sileca 3 here.

Track 1 provides our bass

part, which sticks entirely to root notes. Track 2 comes in with a sort of melody, though I think it needs to be moved up an octave, as its a bit low, and gets lost a little when the other tracks arrive. It uses some really pretty major 7ths which provide an awesome tension, but you lose them when the rest of the tracks are doing their thing. Track 3 just accents the first beat of each bar/chord change, with a distorted synth pluck sort of thing. Track 4 comes in with the 3rds and 5ths of the chords established by our bassline, filling things out a bit before Track 7 arrives with the melody. Track 7 has an AWESOME tone, with a cool bendy effect when notes are held out long enough.

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Track 1, synth bass.
Listen to Sileca 3 here.

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Track 7, melody line.

Hope you like the idea! Stay tuned, and hopefully I'll have a full song built around it within a week or two!

Check out my new E.P. numerical here.

Click here to listen to all of my Steem Monsters inspired songs!

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