'Elev11n' - New Original Music - A Random Creation, Some Good (and Some Bad) Ideas - Electronic/Instrumental + Walkthrough

in #music4 years ago

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I started this a couple nights ago,

and have sinc worked on it a bit though I think it needs a bit of an overhaul... there are some parts I really dig, but others feel a bit weak and strange, so I'll probably go through tonight, and see if I can't replace those with some stronger ideas, and make this a new multi-part series. Since I'm starting with a less solid idea, it might be kind of interesting to see where it goes over time. I wanted to write something in 11 (this is in 11/8), and I started with the drum rhythms, all of which were from Nerve (the demo version), recording in Audio Tracks as the demo only lasts 10 minutes at a time. I'm not sure how much I love the drums generally, they don't really accent the harmonies in logical places, so that may be altered too.

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Tracks 1 and 2, Blue and Green Sections.

Listen to Elev11n here.

There are 3 basic sections which are divided into 3 colors,

Blue, Green/Yellow and Pink (as viewed from Tracks 1 and 2, our main chords, or root notes at times). Tracks 3, 4, 5 and 6 are the drum tracks, which again, aren't rhythmically great, nor are they particularly defined in timbre. They feel a little 'underwater', which wasn't from EQing or anything, just sort of mediocre drum sounds. All the tracks that follow add various layers over each section, though they aren't all used consistently, as I wanted to add some variety. Overall, I like these additions, though I think some of them need to be altered a bit to fit with the rhythms of the chord changes a bit more, though if I edit those chords, this all will be edited too. You can see at the end, there are 3 tracks blanked out; these were newer additions, which I didn't particularly love, so I shared the first version of the song, figuring that would be a better starting place for a series of posts.

Harmonically, things are pretty

straight forward. The Blue sections sort of begin with a Cmin9, to EbAdd9, Cmin, and Gmin, though there are a lot of extra extensions that are added by the other tracks on top. The Green section is much simpler, moving from Ab to Gmin, to Bb and Ab again. The Pink changes things up, modulating from C minor to C major, and moving from C to F back to C, and Bb the first time around, replacing the Bb with a G the second time. The Green section will definitely stay, as that is for sure the strongest, but I think the Blue section will be completely redone, as its a little too.. confused, lol. The Pink may also stay, though I'm not sure yet. I do like the change in keys, to the parallel major.

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Track 8, Green Section.

Listen to Elev11n here.

Hope you like some of these tune thus far! I'll be working more tonight, so I'll try and at least replace the parts I dislike, and maybe start on a new drum pattern before the next update!

Check out my new E.P. numerical here.

Click here to listen to all of my Steem Monsters inspired songs!

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