in Project HOPE3 years ago

Success doesn't come by mistake in life, if anyone must be successful such must definitely work for it. No mater how brilliant you may be if you fail to be smart you will definitely end up in failure.
As a medical personnel I have learnt that one can be brilliant but not smart enough to achieve success.

Planning is one of the attributes of smartness. In fact, it is often said that when you fail to plan you have already planned to fail.
Proper planning is very important in every aspect of life.

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In any business organization or set up planning is inevitable, if the there is no proper business planning such a business organization will collapse just in few time.

Before you set up a business as a good businessman, you must learn to plan well if you really want to be successful in the new business.
Many people have failed in their businesses because they have failed to plan. Planning involves so many aspects that must be considered before you want to start a business. I will be discussing two things basically in this article.

Firstly, What is your drive for the business? Do you really have anything that drives you or that motivates you for the business? When you are starting a y business you must know why you are choosing that business, you must be sure to have a driving or motivating factor.
Your motivation will sustain you even when it seems you are already failing in the business. As a new business you may be facing certain challenges that can attract discouragement, but you will be encouraged if you really have something driving you towards such business.

You must also consider that availability of the resources needed for the business. When there's no availability of resources needed both materially, financially and even human resources/power that may be needed, the business will definitely fail.

So as a good businessman or business organization you must learn how to have proper planning if it will cost you to invite experts that may help or enhance you in what needed to be done.


Planning is very necessary for the growth of any business. In planning, one will know the decisions to take, when to take them, how they should be taken and all. Adequate planning makes one to brace up for unforseen contingencies.

Nice piece buddy. Thanks for sharing

Thanks for reading through my article.


Planning makes success realistic and to be able to start anything meaningful in life we must be able to plan well.

Thanks friend for your contribution.


Hi @grace-p, planing is greatly important in all perspective. When you fail to plan you will definitely come to nothing .
I think this is not only applicable to business only but even to the government also, this is because many nations are suffering today because they know nothing about proper planing in managing their resources.

Thanks for shearing .

Hello! Friend ,thanks for your understanding and nice contribution.

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