我從小到大都是作夢怪 // 我从小到大都是作梦怪 “谷哥点名”第三期steemCreated with Sketch.

in #cn7 years ago (edited)

你們好 我是香港人 希望你們不要怪我的文法文筆不太好 相信#cn的朋友都會包容我 ^^

我爸媽在我很小的時候 經常吵架 媽媽跟我說 她們這段感情可能不會很拖很久了 果然 不久之後她們就分開了 我的夢曾經是她們能走一起 給我一個完整的家

然後在我在一家比較有名 成績都很優秀的幼兒園讀書 理所當然 那時候的夢 是進入到比較好高中 但是因為媽媽那時候上班很忙 可能要忙個幾年 所以怕的讀名校會又沒家庭溫暖會撐不住 所以安排我到比較次等的學校

小學的時候 夢很簡單 就是能經常跟媽媽出去玩玩 不過她太忙於工作 小學六年時間 都沒有很多機會跟她去玩去旅行

上到初中 開始以朋友為圈子為中心 老實說 有那個中學生不想成為學校最出眾那個 可以得到女同學的注意 那時候的夢很簡單 想要成為班級的大紅人 可惜呀我長不夠帥 就衰了。。。

還有有努力 高中還是能修讀到我比較有興趣的科目 那時候電腦遊戲很火 我打反恐精英特別入迷 就跟朋友組隊比賽 夢想是能出國比賽啦!不過出去比賽就比人打爆啦 真是心碎一地啦 然後過兩年考公開考試 希望能讀到心儀的大學 可惜我衰了在填科目的計劃 沒能讀到

結果我去澳洲讀書啦 讀了幾年 讀藥劑!我的夢當然是穿上白袍當個藥劑師 多帥!不過我還差兩年快畢業的時候 我外公發現有癌症 末期 活不多久了 我媽跟我商量說 要不要把所有原本要給我繼續讀書的學費 拿去給外公 讓他在走之前也能舒服點 我想都沒想就答應了

最後我回來香港 重新找個課程讀書 因為這年頭 不讀點書很難在社會競爭

回想我廿十幾年的生活 大概我所有的夢都是破碎的 每一個人生大事的夢 都是失敗的 現在打這篇文章 心裏特別忐忑 想到外公剛去世沒多久 曾經他在我身邊的時候 我嫌棄他囉嗦 現在我就算想要聽他囉嗦 也只能夢一下好了

還好的是 我現在有一個很愛我的女朋友 她陪我渡過了很多難關 讓我心裡很踏實 我從來沒有放棄繼續作夢 但時我會很踏實的夢就是 我希望在媽媽老去之前 我能夠好好孝順他 帶她去旅行 也希望可以跟我女朋友好好的繼續下去 我覺得她就是對的那個女生 能夠跟她走完人生路就很好

夢 其實就算不是那些遙不可及 天馬行空的那種 也不是很容易做到的 我用我的人生證明了 就算是容易做到 甚至條件達到了 最終也是夢碎的故事 但是 回落過去 我的但人生路每一次走上了絕路 還是有出路 而且 我也走的挺快樂的 前面是絕路 希望在轉角 所以請不要放棄 因為有夢 我們才有動力走下去 :)

最後 送你們一首廣東歌 歌詞很好的 我也在這邊貼出來讓大家感受

夢想 於漆黑裡仍然鏗鏘 仍然大聲高唱 仍然期待世界給我鼓掌
是妄想 趁現在追趕失散方向
曾懷著心底的信仰 千次萬次跌傷
開始不敢回頭尋覓那真相 明日那個幻想

踏上這無盡旅途 過去飄散消散失散花火
重燃起 重燃點起鼓舞
踏上這無盡旅途 誰又能鑑定你的醜惡與美好

你们好 我是香港人 希望你们不要怪我的文法文笔不太好 相信#cn的朋友都会包容我 ^^

我爸妈在我很小的时候 经常吵架 妈妈跟我说 她们这段感情可能不会很拖很久了 果然 不久之后她们就分开了 我的梦曾经是她们能走一起 给我一个完整的家

然后在我在一家比较有名 成绩都很优秀的幼儿园读书 理所当然 那时候的梦 是进入到比较好高中 但是因为妈妈那时候上班很忙 可能要忙个几年 所以怕的读名校会又没家庭温暖会撑不住 所以安排我到比较次等的学校

小学的时候 梦很简单 就是能经常跟妈妈出去玩玩 不过她太忙于工作 小学六年时间 都没有很多机会跟她去玩去旅行

上到初中 开始以朋友为圈子为中心 老实说 有那个中学生不想成为学校最出众那个 可以得到女同学的注意 那时候的梦很简单 想要成为班级的大红人 可惜呀我长不够帅 就衰了。。。

还有有努力 高中还是能修读到我比较有兴趣的科目 那时候电脑游戏很火 我打反恐精英特别入迷 就跟朋友组队比赛 梦想是能出国比赛啦!不过出去比赛就比人打爆啦 真是心碎一地啦 然后过两年考公开考试 希望能读到心仪的大学 可惜我衰了在填科目的计划 没能读到

结果我去澳洲读书啦 读了几年 读药剂!我的梦当然是穿上白袍当个药剂师 多帅!不过我还差两年快毕业的时候 我外公发现有癌症 末期 活不多久了 我妈跟我商量说 要不要把所有原本要给我继续读书的学费 拿去给外公 让他在走之前也能舒服点 我想都没想就答应了

最后我回来香港 重新找个课程读书 因为这年头 不读点书很难在社会竞争

回想我廿十几年的生活 大概我所有的梦都是破碎的 每一个人生大事的梦 都是失败的 现在打这篇文章 心里特别忐忑 想到外公刚去世没多久 曾经他在我身边的时候 我嫌弃他囉嗦 现在我就算想要听他囉嗦 也只能梦一下好了

还好的是 我现在有一个很爱我的女朋友 她陪我渡过了很多难关 让我心裡很踏实 我从来没有放弃继续作梦 但时我会很踏实的梦就是 我希望在妈妈老去之前 我能够好好孝顺他 带她去旅行 也希望可以跟我女朋友好好的继续下去 我觉得她就是对的那个女生 能够跟她走完人生路就很好

梦 其实就算不是那些遥不可及 天马行空的那种 也不是很容易做到的 我用我的人生证明了 就算是容易做到 甚至条件达到了 最终也是梦碎的故事 但是 回落过去 我的但人生路每一次走上了绝路 还是有出路 而且 我也走的挺快乐的 前面是绝路 希望在转角 所以请不要放弃 因为有梦 我们才有动力走下去 :)

最后 送你们一首广东歌 ( 在上面繁體字版本 )


特別感謝 @jubi 舉辦這個比賽

讓我這個很少打文章的人都打出一篇出來啦 感受很多 感觸很深 謝謝大家的支持:)



感覺你的支持 : )
因為我怕有人看不懂繁體字 所以有簡體字版本 : )

lots of people want english so here it is :

You guys I am Hong Kong people hope you do not blame my grammar writing is not very good to believe that #cn friends will be inclusive of my ^ ^

My parents in my very little time often quarrel mother told me that these feelings may not be very long dragged on for a long time they soon separated from my dream was that they can go together to give me a complete home

And then I was in a well-known achievements are very good kindergarten reading of course, then the dream is to enter the better high school but because the mother was busy at that time may be busy for a few years so afraid of the school will not read the family will warm Can not hold it so arranged to compare to the secondary school

Primary school when the dream is very simple to be able to often go out with her mother to play, but she was too busy working for six years did not have a lot of opportunities to play with her to travel

To the junior high school began to circle as the center of friends to say that the middle school students do not want to be the most outstanding school that can get the attention of female students that time the dream is very simple to want to become a class of red people Unfortunately, I am not handsome enough to die. The The

There are efforts to high school or to be able to study I am more interested in the subject when the computer game is very fire I fight against the fear of the elite particularly fascinated with friends team dream is to go abroad game it! But out of the game than the people playing the explosion really is a heartbreak and then a two-year test open test hope to read the favorite university Unfortunately, I am in the end of the project plan failed to read

The results I went to Australia to read a few years to read medicine! My dream is of course to wear a white robe when a pharmacist handsome! But I was nearly two years of graduation when my grandfather found the end of the cancer did not last long my mother told me to say whether or not to give me all the tuition to continue to study to his grandfather let him go before walking can also be comfortable I did not expect to agree

Finally, I come back to Hong Kong to find a course to read because this year does not read the book is difficult to compete in the community

Think of my twenty years of life probably all my dreams are broken every dream of life is a dream is now playing this article heart especially thought to see the grandfather just died did not take long when he was around me He withered now I even want to listen to his long-winded and can only dream about it

Ok i now have a love my girlfriend she accompanied me through a lot of difficulties so that my heart is very practical I never give up to continue to dream But when I will be a very practical dream is that I hope before my mother I can be good filial he took her to travel also hope that my girlfriend can continue to go well I think she is right that the girls can finish with her life is very good

The dream is not even the kind of irrelevant that is not very easy to do that I use my life to prove even if it is easy to do even the conditions to achieve the ultimate story of the story but the fall of the past but my life Road every Once on the road to ruin or a way out and I also go very happy in front of the road is hope that the corner so please do not give up because there is a dream we have the power to go :)

And finally sent you a song in Guangdong good song I also posted here so that we feel

Dream in the dark still still sonorous still loud singing still look forward to the world to applaud me
is paranoid to take advantage of now to pursue the direction of the lost
has been with the heart of the heart thousands of times fall injury
began to look back to the truth that tomorrow fantasy
also began to unwilling Carved into stone
Set foot on this endless journey in the past drift dissipated scattered fire
rekindled from the rejuvenation of the excitement
may be the last not a perfect period
is still stubborn adventure one by one to
embark on this endless journey who can identify your ugly and beautiful

You guys I am Hong Kong people hope you do not blame my grammar writing is not very good to believe that #cn friends will be inclusive of my ^ ^

My parents in my very little time often quarrel mother told me that these feelings may not be very long dragged on for a long time they soon separated from my dream was that they can go together to give me a complete home

And then I was in a well-known achievements are very good kindergarten reading of course, then the dream is to enter the better high school but because the mother was busy at that time may be busy for a few years so afraid of the school will not read the family will warm Can not hold it so arranged to compare to the secondary school

Primary school when the dream is very simple to be able to often go out with her mother to play, but she was too busy working for six years did not have a lot of opportunities to play with her to travel

To the junior high school began to circle as the center of friends to say that the middle school students do not want to be the most outstanding school that can get the attention of female students that time the dream is very simple to want to become a class of red people Unfortunately, I am not handsome enough to die. The The

There are efforts to high school or to be able to study I am more interested in the subject when the computer game is very fire I fight against the fear of the elite particularly fascinated with friends team dream is to go abroad game it! But out of the game than the people playing the explosion really is a heartbreak and then a two-year test open test hope to read the favorite university Unfortunately, I am in the end of the project plan failed to read

The results I went to Australia to read a few years to read medicine! My dream is of course to wear a white robe when a pharmacist handsome! But I was nearly two years of graduation when my grandfather found the end of the cancer did not last long my mother told me to say whether or not to give me all the tuition to continue to study to his grandfather let him go before walking can also be comfortable I did not expect to agree

Finally, I come back to Hong Kong to find a course to read because this year does not read the book is difficult to compete in the community

Think of my twenty years of life probably all my dreams are broken every dream of life is a dream is now playing this article is particularly disturbed thought grandfather just died did not take long when he was around me I'm going to listen to his long-winded and can only dream about it

Ok i now have a love my girlfriend she accompanied me through a lot of difficulties so that my heart is very practical I never give up to continue to dream But when I will be a very practical dream is that I hope before my mother I can be good filial he took her to travel also hope that my girlfriend can continue to go well I think she is right that the girls can finish with her life is very good

The dream is not even the kind of irrelevant that is not very easy to do that I use my life to prove even if it is easy to do even the conditions to achieve the ultimate story of the story but the fall of the past but my life Road every Once on the road to ruin or a way out and I also go very happy in front of the road is hope that the corner so please do not give up because there is a dream we have the power to go :)

Finally send you a Cantonese song (in the above traditional version)


Special thanks to @jubi for hosting this game

Let me rarely hit the article people who have come out a lot of feelings out of feeling a lot of thank you all the sex :)

感謝你的翻譯 : )

your welcome my friend :) After all PAK CHINA <3

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