Text: Luke 14:28-30

For which of you intending to build a tower, sitteth not down first, and counteth the cost, whether he have [sufficient] to finish [it]? Lest haply, after he hath laid the foundation, and is not able to finish [it], all that behold [it] begin to mock him, Saying, This man began to build, and was not able to finish.(KJV)

Establishing a home is like building a house, it involves prior and proper planning and the time of courtship seems best for it. Don’t forget that courtship is a focused relationship which is not for boys but for matured youths who are already physically, intellectually, financially, emotionally, biologically, morally and otherwise mature enough to handle a family.

A very important activity during the time of courtship is to plan for the home. Failure to plan during this period is preparing to fail in marriage. Many homes are in shambles today because the two parties did a poor job during their courtship days. I feel sorry for singles that spend the best of their time eating meat pie from one eatery to the other.

Enjoying romance during courtship is a disadvantage to your marriage. Sex and other romantic relationship will strengthen your marriage; it is like a virus that will eat up your marriage. Stay clear from it. Courtship time is not a time to start visiting your in-laws in one city to the other and become their slaves. It is not a time to become a slave to your in-laws cooking and washing their cloths.

Courtship time is a time to make decisions. The table of decision making is important for your home and the two of you must be at the table to draw out plans. The man should not Lord it over the lady and so should the lady not be an observer at the table. If planning together is frankly carried out, you will easily know whether you are compatible to marry each other or not. Instead of giving time to petty talks, always find time to sit down at the table together having life deciding talks. The issue you refuse to treat during courtship will definitely work against you when you get married.

You must also have time to communicate effectively. This is the time to understand how you express your mind. Good communication is a factor that will determine the success of your relationship, learn it well. Be frank with one another knowing that if you cover up anything today it may give you problem tomorrow. Evaluate your character, set goals, pray together, study together, get books and read them, attend seminar and make sure you go for counseling. You need it. Plan now or fight latter.

ACTION POINT: Are you preparing for wedding or marriage?

PRAYER POINT: Father, open my eyes to what I need to work upon in order to have a healthy relationship.

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