Total lockdown day 4 of 7

in #covid3 years ago

I say day 4 of 7 in a hopeful manner because the way things have been here lately it's tough to tell what the government is going to decide to do next. Just like they were with other lockdowns or restrictions they have a tendency to get extended and I have my beliefs that this will always be the case until the world admits that the complete eradication of a virus isn't possible no matter how much you keep people apart. I'll leave that discussion to the angry people on FB though.

Anyhoo, our time here has been pretty great and Nadi spends most of her day on our new balcony, which is something we didn't have at our old place.


She sits out there just enjoying be breeze and occasionally going on "high alert" if she hears another dog barking. I have already decided because of this stay that our next spot, wherever that ends up being in the world, will have a balcony because she really likes it.

Someone asked in the last post comment section about how do we get food and the answer to that is that you were meant to stock up in the few days before this lockdown started. It was pandemonium at the grocery stores but thankfully we didn't have people beating one another up over toilet paper. I didn't really know what to buy so i just got the essentials.


You can see where my priorities lie in this picture. The beers in the freezer were put there for comedic affect, there is actually quite a lot of stuff that you can eat behind them. Plus, for whatever reason pasta was something that the panic shoppers weren't touching, presumable because it costs a bit more so most of what I ended up getting is not needed to be in the fridge anyway. I do use this picture to make my mother concerned about me though. I want her believing that I only stocked up on beer and wine and have no intention of eating anything.

I have been told that there is a shopping list that you can get from the building manager to get more food but it is just staples such as rice, meats, and veg. You can't order just whatever you want and at the moment I am dangerously close to running out of wine, which they won't get for you... Woe is me! Having said that if i could find a way to talk to this "authorized shopper" I am willing to bet that he is very open to the idea of being bribed.


I'm good at a lot of things and kind of consider myself to be a jack of all trades.... except one thing: Cooking. Pasta is my go to because you can't really screw that one up. That piece of bread was made in an induction pan which is some magic that I am only recently getting acquainted with. Wow that pan got hot fast but since bread is the one thing I have very limited amounts of, I scraped the burnt bits off and ate it anyway.

Some bad news ended up coming out yesterday though and that is that they have already extended the airport lockdown to the 15th of Sept, which will make my ability to get on my much anticipated 16th of September flight out of here very unlikely. So it looks like I might just be stuck here even longer. At this point, I don't really even stress about it anymore.

So today is day 4 of 7 and we could have some freedom back soon. Funny how they can do that to us huh? They take away everything and then when they give just a little bit of it back you are grateful.


Stay safe and in good health to see cute animals specially when it comes to dog or cat😍😍

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