Spooky semi-maintained temple complex that is NOT on maps

in #temples4 years ago

I have a tendency to just explore on my bicycle. I wouldn't say I try to avoid tourist spots because after being here for a mere 4 months and sadly barely even trying to get involved with the local culture and language I am not afraid to admit that I still fall into the tourist category. If you were to drop me off more than say a couple of kilometers from my house I would have no idea where I was without the assistance of some sort of maps app - so yeah, I'm still a tourist and likely will be for quite some time.

However, I do tend to just head out on my bicycle with no particular destination in mind. Since I live in a very populated city mostly this just results in exercise and trying really hard to not get killed by the never-ending traffic. Every once and a while I end up discovering something really cool, and yesterday was one of those days.


There was this unmarked side road that was exiting one of the busiest roads in my area and I was pretty ready to get off of it since you are always in danger of getting hit by the thousands of motorbikes that seem to go to and fro' 20 hours a day or so. Therefore I was very ready for this. As soon as I got just about 100 meters down this dark driveway, I encountered this guy (above,) it was quite ominous because mostly when you see a statue it is feature prominently and not just hanging out on the side of the road looking like it hasn't ever been maintained. At this point I wasn't even sure if I was trespassing or not. There wasn't anyone else around so I carried on anyway.


A bit further down the road I came upon this tower that was not marked and wasn't visible from the main road because of all the trees and the mountain on one side of it. I wouldn't say I was scared... mostly because it was daytime, but I was starting to feel a little bit like I was around some sort of Indiana Jones environment.


Statues of scary dragons or whatever are really common at temples, but normally they are maintained to a certain degree. This place almost had the look of some sort of ruins and the overgrowth and wear and tear from the elements on the statues just make the place a bit more creepy.


As I was nearing the top of the decrepit stairs I heard some noised from above. Was it other people? Was it monkeys? Was it tribal warriors waiting with cocked bows and arrows? Turns out it was just a dude with a shovel, but since I speak no Vietnamese and was not invited here I decided to turn back rather than continue on. I don't think he even saw me, or if he did, it wasn't when i was looking at him.

I didn't run away, but I didn't want to put myself in a bad situations, nor do I particularly like to cause trouble or be a "bad guest" in this country. So I wandered back to my bike by a different path only to discover more spooky statues.


I have no idea what religion this is attributed to, but it appears to be something Chinese. If someone out there has some idea based on the tower that appears at the start I would like to know the answer to that.


You can see in the last picture some sort of irrigation system so apparently someone is at least in part looking after what is going on here. But as far as temples go, if that is what this place was, it is certainly one of the scarier ones I have been to. I may return here someday with a Vietnamese friend so I can see what other treasures this place holds. Maybe I'll get lucky and there is a golden statue I can take home as a souvenir.


After all, what could possibly go wrong?

This is the approximate location if anyone cares to test their luck with the spirits that lie within :P It is located near the Marble Mountains and I believe it is actually in the shadow of said mountains. Good luck!


I don't know why, but somehow I picture your life as an adventurous solo trip.:p
Keep exploring.

well it's not as adventurous as you might think. A great deal of it is spent staring at 3 computer monitors every day, just like a lot of people. :)

Oh a corporate person. I went through it for a year now. Hopefully 2-3 years more and then my own work for sure.

pretty cool stuff you found there. do not move the statue!

Greetings dear @gooddream.

When we see your photographs we can imagine a hidden place in the jungle. But when we are guided with the google address that you left us, we can see that this monument is in the middle of the urban area, surprising!

The only conclusion we can reach is that urban planning has reached areas that were previously unpopulated. The most admirable thing about all this is that those who made the houses managed to respect the monuments.

By the way: Excellent photos, thanks for sharing.

All best, Piotr.

I guess if it weren't on the map, I'd get lost too! Good luck on your adventures.

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