Smoking is banned almost everywhere in NYC

in #getyerlearnon6 years ago (edited)

If you follow my stuff you will realize that I smoke. I am aware that I shouldn't and I am going to quit while I am here in the USA but I'll tell you what, if you want to smoke (and I believe it should be your choice to decide what you do in your own life) you can forget about it in most places in NYC.


Now don't get me wrong, i do think that smokers should definitely be restricted where they can light up, but there seem to be a bunch of people in NYC that aren't happy to restrict, they want to ban it altogether. It seems to be the life work of a lot of new yorkers to not "live and let live" but they want to actually control what other people do in their lives, even if it doesn't affect theirs at all.

There is a ban for all indoor spaces, all public parks, all beaches and all populated popular areas like Times Square. You would think that would be enough, but no. It isn't for some people out there.


Some busybody politician in Queens has actually enacted the above notion to the city. That's right, now you can't MOVE while you are smoking either even if smoking is allowed where you happen to be. Some people have said they "don't like the way it smells" and that is fine. But you can't make everything that stinks illegal or about half of new york would be illegal, especially the urine covered elevators and all spaces between buildings, and most of the subway stations.

It makes me angry just because you don't like something, doesn't mean that you should be entitled to force other people to think like you. That isn't the way freedom works in my mind. I tend to agree with this guy and i would agree with him even if i wasn't a smoker.


I also think it is great to try to encourage people to live healthier lives and this includes not smoking, however we can't do this by forcing people into that groupthink. Many NYC people i know are actually not opposed to a city-wide ban on all food and drinks that have "too much" sugar in them. What is too much? and who gets to decide? Where does this end? Do you really want the government to make all the choices?

I know that I don't. I am one of the most polite smokers ever, even when i don't have to I smoke far away from other people who do not - i don't need to be forced to do this, it is called being a decent person. I don't need a government's coercion in order to be this.


My building went no smoking last October. We have no caretaker on-site anymore. We have 3 out 8 tenants who don't smoke. The other 5 smoke in their apartments.

I have come home to the hallways reeking of smoke, my apartment reeking to the point I bought a Honeywell air cleaner to run when I leave. They have huddled by the entrance door so when I go out I have to walk through their plume when they are not to be smoking on the property.

I believe in rights, but when a building/property have went non-smoking, move your lazy asses outside away from the doors & windows of tenants that don't.

I worry I'll come home one day and the building is burned down and my cats are dead. We had a fire last year by the main door because some idiot threw a lit cigarette into a plastic bucket lined with a plastic bag, the reason for the no smoking ban.

i agree with this too. however this also has a lot to do with being a decent person. I have been a smoker for 20 years and i never smoke indoors.

In this instance those tenants are genuinely impacting the lives of other people in a negative fashion in their homes, so yeah, it should be banned there. But in a public space, I believe there should be designated areas.

I dont smoke, but i love the smell of cigarette smoke. It reminds me of small town bars from my childhood.

that is certainly a unique opinion :)

That’s a shame
Very well said, you cannot force other people. Govr wont ban cigarette companies because they need income.
I like my cigarette after work and with drinks and i am mindful of non- smokers.
This is ridiculous

Hi gooddream. I noticed that in the sates as well. i couldn't believe it as you would expect it would be ok in the park at least. i noticed they had signs few and far between where one could go and smoke and found it rather crazy and pathetic.

yeah, especially if you aren't the type of person what would litter anyway.

Kind of ironic as due to the pollution levels in New York living in the city is allegedly the equivalent of smoke 5 or so a day

Nobody can not force people to smoke or not, It sounds good for me but could sound bad for others that smoke heavily.
But I believe in one thing ''that everyone who is smooking is thinking about to give up smoking but finds it hard, because the habit already conrols the mind.'' So this could be a push forward to make as many people as possible stop smoking.

👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍 Very well written article

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