Plastic bag ban has negative consequences - is it worth it?

in #politics5 years ago

I think that for most people with some level of sense of environmental responsibility would exclaim a resounding "yes it is worth it!" response before they even hear what I'm about to talk about and for the most part, I would agree.

This was always going to happen as Thailand weens itself off of a million bag a day "addiction."


The ban began earlier this year and now if you go into any major retailer you better bring your own bags or be prepared to pay for thicker, reusable ones. I have stated in the past that I felt this was a grand conspiracy on the part of the retailers who would be saving a ton of money by no longer being required to give these bags out for free.

I think now what i thought when it was announced: It is a good idea even if there are some back-room deals involved on the part of the corporations.

However, there are people on the other end of the spectrum as over 6,000 employees, many of which make relatively low wages, are now facing reduced hours and are in danger of losing their jobs outright as the plastic bag industry has seen a 90% decrease in demand.

Thicker bags can and are produced but since these bags can be reused many many times, the demand is a slow trickle rather than an every day occurrence.

I don't think that the government should be in the business of telling anyone how they can or should live their lives, but when they make a ruling like this and people suffer as a consequence, I believe it should be, at least temporarily, the job of the government to make sure that the people affected are looked after.

Manufacturers such as Pack and Save have eliminated overtime and reduced work weeks with more upcoming cuts planned

So yeah, this was always going to happen and it is unfortunate that thousands of low-income people are going to have their lives disrupted. For every government action of this sort, someone has to suffer.

It would be stupid to suggest that anyone would be a proponent of single-use plastic bags that at least over here, are almost always not recycled. But when it is directly because of their actions that the common man no longer has a job, is it not the responsibility of the government to help?

I understand that this is for the greater good and I am for it. I don't think anyone would argue that. It just seems a bit unfair to just discard these factory workers the way we discard... i dunno, maybe a plastic bag?


I have got used to juggling stuff in my arms. Opening the car door is challenging now, I could use a third arm and have ordered one to grow from my chest.

another rather humorous side effect of this is happening in our supermarkets. Normally they wouldn't allow bags in for shoplifting reasons but they have to because how the heck else are people going to carry the stuff? I think more aspects of this need to be addressed.

But yes, growing more arms would be the likely evolutionary step from this point going forward.

Howdy gooddream! Well said, couldn't agree more. The government should subsidize workers who get laid off because of their policies.

I didn't even think about factory workers losing work with this happening. Yeah, that sucks some fat ass. They should at least cut them a fat severance check if they're going to be losing their jobs, enough to cover them until they can find a new gig or go to school to get into new trades/careers.

yeah, exactly. These were not wealthy people either. There are no unions over here that I am aware of and generally speaking these folks will make $10 a day or so

Before I read the article I thought? "What do you mean? Of course it's worth it!" But I'm not sure after reading this, I'd still say it's for better but these people who will lose their jobs must be helped.

By the way, my country didn't start moving from Plastic bags yet...

well, i think it is a good idea and if you live in a country like this one that has barely functional waste management it is easy to understand why this was likely necessary. It is just sad to see some people's lives ruined.

I am opposed to people sponging off the government, but when the government is the primary or sole reason why you no longer have an income, I think it is only right that they should be prepared to at least help you a bit to move on.

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It sucks for them, but it is hardly a good excuse to continue producing and consuming great quantities of single use plastic bags.
The writing was on the wall for years and if anything they were probably hoping to do it as long as possible.

They should just 'learn to code' =)

lol, the ol' "learn to code" treatment :P

One thing I have realized is that every decision and action taken by a government have two effects. The good side and the bad side.

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Good point and I agree.
Greta would say: How dare you!

A big retailer Sobeys just implemented this here in Canada.

I'm pretty sure Greta would leave it alone because I'm not in the USA or Europe.

I'm all for the limiting or elimination of plastic bags for sure but there is always going to be consequences. :)

It seems like a phased reduction might have been the better option. It gives manufacturers time to switch over and employees time to look for other jobs. It doesn't really have the headline impact that all out elimination does. Not as sexy for the news people so they would never do something as practical as that!

yeah that's true. Plus over here there is a tendency anytime that something is being "phased out in stages" that the first stage happens, the politicians get their pictures taken at a ceremony and then people lose interest and it goes back to the way it was before. This is what happened with the helmet laws.

Just charge for the same bags but filter the money back to cleaning the problem. The problem we have in Africa now is the retailers are making huge profits on bags that used to be free. Retailers should be charging but still giving them away in their books, but the money needs to be used cleaning the environment.

There are a lot of ways to approach this but simply saying "right, you can't have those anymore" might not have been the correct way to approach this. Oh well, it isn't the dumbest legislation i've seen here because at least this benefits something

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