Pain and Gain (film): entertaining and based on fact

in #films6 years ago

When anyone says that a film is "based on a true story" you need to be apprehensive about how much of the story actually is true. Apparently, a lot of this one is and only names and minor details were changed. The physique of most of the characters (especially "the Rock" ) are exaggerated but well, no one is as big as Dwayne Johnson.


The story, in a shell is about a group of bodybuilders that want a lot more out of life than just having amazing bodies. They look around and see the wealth of their clients and this makes them desire that which they don't have, especially for Daniel Lugo (Mark Wahlberg) in relation to one of his clients Victor Kershaw (played by Tony Shalhoub.)


Daniel recruits a few pals to kidnap and torture Victor Kershaw until he agrees to sign over his fortune, legally, at which point they will need to kill him.

Looking at this scheme on their part it is difficult to imagine that for the most part, this worked out for them and it took many years before the authorities caught up with them. Some of the things they attempted and managed to pull off in real life are so outrageous that the director puts "This actually happened" or something similar, on the screen.


Of course everyone is in incredible shape but the only unrealistic part is the inclusion of Anthony Mackie, who is maybe 160 lbs soaking wet with a backpack on while wearing boots. That was a pretty terrible casting decision in my opinion. It doesn't even look like he exercised to prepare for the role.


I love true stories, especially true crime stories. I can't say for sure how much of this is made up but it appears as though a much of it is a very true story but some of the names have been changed. I found it immensely entertaining and well-shot. It has some comic elements to it as well and overall the film comes highly recommended by me although it doesn't get recommended by the professionals

8 / 10


Modern tolerant society teaches us that every person is special, he is a person, he is an individual, he has his own rights and freedom (at least should be) and almost any person can achieve great heights with his work, you only need to get up from the couch, set a goal and go to it. We are trying to instill it on TV show business stars, athletes, businesspersons, politicians. This is partly correct, in my opinion. However, all this has a side effect. People with excessively high self-esteem and expectations of life, who believe that they have some unique knowledge, skills, that the whole world owes them, that they were unfairly deprived. The main characters of this film— from such. In addition, there are plenty of them around us.
Most of all I was surprised by the reaction of critics. Since the tone of the Director leaves no doubt in the conscious mockery of the characters, Michael Bay in the best traditions of Patriotic discourse is accused of discrediting the American reality, indulges the low feelings of the mass audience, encourages perversely enthusiastic public view of the image of the country broadcast from the screen.
Any Association of bodybuilders could sue the filmmakers for just one motto of Wahlberg's character: "I believe in America and fitness." :)

fantastic follow up pal. So good that i suspected you copy and pasted it, but after an advanced search I see that this is all your own work. Great job!

I love true stories too. It was thoroughly enjoyable, even though I always have a bias for any film 'The Rock' is in

I have to see this one.

Great post. Although there are some films that based on just comedy or for laughing stuff. But whenever I watch a film, I always preferred the one Aldo that is true life stories because they always touch the heart. They are more interesting than the comedy film or laughing ones. I always preferred to watch true life stories film also anytime anyday

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This is a very entertaining and funny movie, and in a way you feel guilty about having fun with a real story that involves such tragic events

I must watch this.
Like true crime stories and must say not heard of this.
I do like Mark wahlberg movies.

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