I dream of shitty skiing

in #psychology2 years ago

I dream almost every night and there is no rhyme or reason to why my dreams happen. My dreams are almost never connected to something that has recently happened to me or anything that is every remotely related to recent events in my life but they are almost always entertaining Last nights dream was a bit of a frustrating piece of nostalgia from my past and when I woke up from it, I was kind of glad that it was over.


It was my birthday in the dream and I had decided that I wanted to go skiing for it which is an add thing to find it's way into my dream because I haven't been skiing in over 20 years. I haven't even seen snow for over a decade. Along with me on the ride where a few of my family members and some couple that I do not know that had traveled quite some distance to be there.

When I was a kid we lived briefly near this pretty terrible ski resort called Massanutten and this place was notorious for not having enough snow to open all of their slopes. Their snow was usually almost entirely man made by machines and often a lot of this melts during the day because we don't normally have consistently cold winters in the part of the world where Massanutten is so sometimes, there is an embarrassingly small amount of slopes that are even open at all.


That's the resort in question: notice how there is no snow anywhere except on the slopes.

When we would go there, it would be very common for only a few of the slopes to be open because they simply cannot keep enough fake snow around even though they work all through the night to make more of it. I've been there on some pretty disappointing days and even though it was fictional, yesterday's trip to Massanutten was really terrible as well.

Virtually all of the slopes were closed, we got started really late and I was only able to get a couple of weak runs in before we were all leaving.

Then I was trying to buy some beers only to look into my wallet and realize that I didn't have any USA money, just Vietnamese and Thai money which of course they wouldn't accept in the dream. Not only that, but I got accused of counterfeiting money in the dream and the police were called.


Whenever there are particularly strange elements of my dreams I try to look them up the following morning because as it turns out there are a lot of people that dream about the same stuff and there are psychologists out there that have tried to attach some sort of greater meaning to the aspects of the dream. Turn out that dreaming of counterfeit money is quite common.

According to The Miller Dreambook, dreaming of counterfeit money means that you are currently facing deceit in your personal relationships in your real life or if it is you that is using the counterfeit money in the dream that you are either now or have in the past used "non-noble" methods of achieving success in your life.

While I find these things interesting I also don't have a great deal of faith in the psychology profession and feel as though these people are largely overpaid speculators or the witch doctors of our current age. If you ask me, they are the ones that should be dreaming of using counterfeit money.

Later in the dream, I ended up at a Metallica concert but James Hetfield kept screwing up the songs and butchering the lyrics as if he couldn't remember what they were


Like a lot of the dreams that I have, this one wasn't scary so much as it was a string of disappointments from start to finish. The skiing was garbage, I was rushed for time, I couldn't get a beer, was accused of a crime that I was innocent of, and then magically was transported to a concert to see a band do poorly that I have in real life seen two excellent concerts from.

I woke up frustrated and also kind of happy to be back in my actual life because today is bowling day and now I fear that my dreaming of bad snow conditions could be foreshadowing of the fact that it is always a very real possibility that the rather shitty bowling lanes we are going to are going to be problematic and not oiled properly. Who knows, maybe Metallica will be there performing the worst concert of their careers.

I enjoy dreaming even though a lot of my dreams don't seem to follow any sort of logical pattern nor do they normally have anything to do with what is currently going on in my life.

If you have had any dream recently that you would like to share I'd love to discuss them in the comments!


I'm starting to wonder if maybe they're micro dosing LSD into the beers you drink over in Asia with all of your random dreaming.

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