Guild Wars 2 Mistlock Santuary review

in #mmo6 years ago

I realize that inside of Steemit that this does not apply to a great deal of you but there are several million Guild Wars 2 players that it may apply to. Consequently if you are reading this and are a GW2 fan you really should look at joining the Steemit community.


The Mistlock Sanctuary is an unlockable area that is available to people that either pay to be there or are around long enough to get a pass (like I did.) This area is one of 5 "premium areas" that make certain nuances of GW2 easier or barring that, simply more convenient. Crafting and access to bank and the trading post are all in one compact area and while this might seem trivial to people just looking at this game for the first time... I can assure you, as a 4 year player, it is really convenient.


The Mistlock Santuary was recommended as an option to me by a random stranger in map chat and several other people backed him up as it being the "best choice" of all of the premium access areas and after using it I have to say that I kind of disagree.

The main reason that @gooddream disagrees is that once you are in Mistlock, the rest of the global map is no longer available to you. You are not able to seemlessly fast-travel to other points on the map which for me anyway is a massive downside to it. You can still get to where you want to go but you first have to travel somewhere else and then do it. It might seem trivial (especially to those that are completely unfamiliar with the game) but I can assure you... it is a big deal / problem.

The added bonus of Mistlock (if this is what you are looking for) is you can teleport (likely incorrect nomenclature) to Mislock and then teleport back to the exact location that you ported in from. This is especially useful if you are involved in a region specific event.

So when you find yourself with a choice (and you will, eventually,) I have to say that I disagree with the map-chat consensus that Mistlock is the best option.


I would much rather choose one of the other options available... and i will be looking at all of those very very soon.


I only recently started doing fractals. I'm still initiate level. The problem is most ppl I team up with are experts and charge though it so fast I learn nothing.

Posted using Partiko Android

gold is unimportant for me for the most part, but i would like to get up to speed on them, so to speak. I am quite good at all the dungeons but i guess i just never tried to to the Frac's. :)

Interesting game!
I used to play a lot of Star Craft 2 matches. Some similarities, graphically.
Wow, 4 year player, this game must be very addictive. :)

well in many ways it gets quite boring but there is plenty to do and the best part about it is that it has no monthly subscription fee such as games like WOW. There have been instances in the past where I have stopped playing for months at a time and later returned and all my stuff is exactly where I left it.

This is one of the major advantages of this MMO over other ones.

I didn't know this game before. I should try

Absolutely unaware of all this, it is quite interesting although I confess that I was an ignorant I will find out much more about it, reading your posts and putting my friend's compliments.

absolutely perfect game,sir

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