What I learnt yesterday 26 June 2017

I think I'm going to try run a regular article each day about what I learnt that day.
I have no intention of learning quantum physics, but its been proven that we should try to learn something new each day. so to keep me on my toes and accountable, I'm going to journal this here.

So todays share is this.

Kids chests of drawers are dangerous. My daughter screamed out at me yesterday to come help her and I found the chest of drawers on top of her. According to her she wasn't standing on the drawers and just loading clothes in. Either way she was lucky to not be injured. But I think its time to anchor them to the wall.


Bloody hell :O glad she's okay! We got really low ones when our kids were little (3-4 drawers high) that were also fairly deep and wide for their size so they would be harder to tip and were very harsh on anyone caught climbing.

Now kids are older and we only have to worry about the one who seems to lack the bit of the brain that says OI THIS IS PROBABLY NOT A GOOD IDEA -_- (but at least he doesn't climb on the chests of drawers or the shelves or cupboards, just uses a chair...sigh XD)

yeah the one my boy has is much heavier than my girls, plus he has a lot fewer clothes so the open drawers shouldn't tip it.

I think my kids lack that parts of the brain as well, the one thats says "jumping off a roof is dumb" or "dads got the belt out, I really shouldn't backchat him"


Well the second thing could possibly be counted as "testing limits/pushing boundaries" but the first one well I wish I could say something but the only reasons my kids don't jump off the roof is because we have high ceilings, but it doesn't stop jumping off other high things (the amount of times I've had to yell DON'T JUMP at the small one off play equipment).

Very lucky and smart thinking on the anchor Gohba. SK.

Good idea for the safety of our children. Thanks for the post @gohba.handcrafts

youch! Glad she is okay! Kids are like monkeys and will climb on anything!

If you anchor it, what will they learn?

My thoughts exactly. But the wife...........

Seems like the wife needs to learn as well. :)

Playing with fire there. She would rip me a new one.
Maybe time to trade her in

From destruction comes creation.

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