Mastery system in CEO (Guide) :

in CEO Champion's Gate4 years ago (edited)


  • Each level costs 10 more xp than the prior starting at a cost of 20 xp to reach level 1 mastery with a unit.
    • Notable Landmarks:
      • Level 10 equals 650 xp
      • Level 25 equals 3,500 xp
      • Level 50 equals 12,850 xp
      • Level 100 equals 50,600 xp
  • At level 10 your mastery becomes purple for that unit to signify the + tier of mastery
  • At level 25 your mastery becomes orange for that unit to signify the ++ tier of mastery
  • At level 50 your mastery becomes red for that unit to signify the +++ tier of mastery
  • To calculate the xp cost of reaching a tier take that tier (n) and plug it into the following formula:
    • ((5/4) x ((2n+3)^2))-(45/4)
      • Note in the formula that x represents a multiplication sign


  • Your earned xp is 1 for using a unit no matter what tier that unit is
  • The following are multipliers that affect that xp earned:
    • Copies of the unit multiply the xp by the number of copies. I.e using 3 fencers will earn 3 xp instead of 1
    • Beating a Master (Player) in practice multiplies the xp by 2. I.e using 1 fencer will earn 2 xp instead of 1
    • Beating a GrandMaster (Player) in practice multiplies the xp by 3. I.e using 1 fencer will earn 3 xp instead of 1
    • Beating an Advanced (Player) in ranked multiplies the xp by 3. I.e using 1 fencer will earn 3 xp instead of 1
    • Beating an Expert (Player) in ranked multiplies the xp by 4. I.e using 1 fencer will earn 4 xp instead of 1
    • Beating a Master (Player) in ranked multiplies the xp by 5. I.e using 1 fencer will earn 5 xp instead of 1
    • Beating a GrandMaster (Player) in ranked multiplies the xp by 6. I.e using 1 fencer will earn 6 xp instead of 1
  • Exp can be earned in practice, ranked, and the daily challenge


  • The color of your highest rated star determines your reward:
    • Yellow: 5
    • Green: 7
    • Blue: 10
    • Purple: 15
    • Red:
  • Each yellow star is worth a total of 5 Mastery levels. A green star is 25, blue is 125, purple is 625, and red is 3125 mastery levels.


  • Helpers:
    • KeeleDrawsChess (KeeleHockin)
    • Jafego
    • adamzero
    • MaybeDregun (Dregun)
    • main_gi (main-gi)
  • Image for Embed:
  • Screenshot (173).png
  • If you have any additional information (or notice an error of mine) please tell me so I can add it to the post, currently the main info I'm missing is:
    • Purple star bonus
    • Red star bonus
    • Nightmare mode multiplier
    • Infernal mode multiplier


how did this happen when you had 4 helpers

anyway, the proper function is this:


seems like an overcomplicated and impractical (for quick calculations) form of the formula tbh,

Let f(n) be the level

f(n) = 20+30+...+10(n+1)
=10 (1+2+3+...+n+1) -10
= 10(n+1)(n+2)/2 - 10
=5(n+1)(n+2) - 10

 4 years ago (edited)

A mix of me doing half of this a month ago and not double checking it when I posted it and me only using the formula for higher levels where people would actually care to the point that I didn't notice it doesn't work for low levels. I'll swap it out though. Also the helpers only helped me find the earning multipliers as those take a while to find for everything.

 4 years ago Reveal Comment

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