Is Our Love For Gold or God?

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago

To quote the late, great Rod Serling...

"Imagine, if you will..."

...A world which is lead and orchestrated by the trusted elite serving under the returned Christ. If their ways are more just and reasoned than most religious fanatics or antitheists would have you believe, it would be the first true utopia. Imagine even further then, the unique economy of such a land.


It must seem strange to many that a world lead by Christ and God above him would have any sort of economy. Most assume that a lack of want, of sickness, poverty, death, etcetera, is accomplished by some magical transmutation of the mundane into a realm of ghostly perfection where such mechanics no longer apply, but that would be a naive neglection of God's Word and ways.

We at GODcoin represent the frontrunners of this thriving economy. We work to build this not because we have any love for wealth or personal interest in seeing it, but rather because we uphold the most sacred of all commandments handed down from Heaven. To love God and love each other, we MUST provide a means for the righteous to thrive when all worldly economic systems are brought to the ground.

GODcoin Shiny Coin Heads.png

We're Templars. We aren't here to get rich, we're here to enrich you. Your wealth can be secured and drastically increased with GODcoin, and you owe us no thanks for this. We'll be thanking God for the privilege to assist Him and you.

But yes, you are most welcome to invest and be part of what wonders will be built. The more we come together, the more fruit we bear when all is said and done.

This article was authored by Eric Logan, @rasgriz311

There are many advantages to GODcoin especially since it is one of the few coins that will be backed by gold and silver. Not only does GODcoin offer the illuminated path towards a prosperous future, but very soon, it will be the global currency. To learn more, visit the following links:

View the history leading up to the white paper

View the white paper

All information provided is available on the official website at




God comes before all, but his generosity is a great gift in GODcoin!

Those who invest now will have far more in the future when the markets crash.

I've got to admit, it did seem very odd to think "heaven" would need an economy. Although, now, it makes a lot of cents! [sense].

We look forward to this day

I love GOD more than money but GODcoin is GOD's money and therefore is a righteous instrument for the New Kingdom

This is a great read and quite lovely.

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