Do You Feel For The Lost?

in HeartChurch3 years ago

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Reading Passage:- Matthew 5:4

4.Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.

You know most times I sit to think where I would have been if I wasn't born again, I sit to think how my life would have been within Jesus, what my life would have turn if I didn't have Him as my personal lord and saviour.
I know I would have been long forgotten.
Again I wonder how my Christian life is if I am not winning souls to the kingdom of God, if I am not depopulating the kingdom of darkness and populated the kingdom of God, what is my use being a Christian and this books down to my desire to save the lost.

From the passage above when we say mourning, it means those that are mourning prayerfully for the lost souls.
I can remember a pastor that was invited to preach in one of our youth conferences saying he got born again by a beautiful woman, and he stooped to ask what are you using your beauty for? Ifnothing you can use it to win souls for God.
If you and I wasn't preached for we would not ha e known about Christ, someone heard the goodness and decided to share it to you and I, so why then are we stingy with this goodness, some of us have bluntly refused to go our for Evangelism, some of us dodge when we are asked to go for soul winning. The sane way we confiscate our money that's the same way we want to confiscate Gods word.



Everyone one of us became born again because someone preached to him or her, some read the Bible and was convicted.
Whatever way you joined the fold please kook for a way to bring others in.
That prostitute, gay, lesbian, drunkard, anger inflicted person etc needs the good news if God so please do not neglect them, they need your love, care, understanding to bring then back to Christ.
Christ is waiting for you so do your work as quickly as possible, for the days are so so evil.

I remain


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