DSTORS(디스토어스): 비즈니스 모델이 가능한 것인가?

in #dclick6 years ago (edited)

@morning님의 글: 디스토어 (dStors) 프로젝트를 소개합니다
@jayplayco님의 글: [디스토어스] dStors - 스팀 생태계의 판도를 바꿀 댑이 나왔습니다.

두 글을 읽고, 흥미가 생겨서 백서를 찾아보았습니다. 링크

자세한 내용은 읽어보지 않았고, 가장 핵심이 되는 비즈니스 모델 부분만 보았습니다.

판매자와 구매자들에 대한 인센티브: $100불 거래가 이루어지면 $20 어치의 스팀이나 WLS를 줌 (원문: "In simplest terms, a $100 dStors transaction that nets 30 STORS tokens can be spent for a $20 equivalent in STEEM or WLS tokens as well as easily be swapped for any Bitshares exchange listed Cryptocurrency.")

dStors의 수입원: 거래대금의 3~7.5% (원문: "Percent commission will range from 3% to 7.5%"). 거래대금 커미션 말고 판매자가 물품을 30개 이상 등록할 때나, 잘 보이는곳에 등록하기를 원한다거나, 제품 소개를 위해 이미지 등을 더 사용할 수 있게 하는 권한 등을 fee로 받는 것도 있는데, 이건 부차적인 것이고 거래대금에서 받는 커미션에 비해서 작을 테니 일단 제외합니다.

이 글대로라면, 이상하지 않은가요? dStors 입장에서는 $100 거래가 일어나면 $20을 줘야 하는데, 수수료로 받는 것은 $7.5 이하입니다. 이러면 $12.5 이상 손해죠.

사업이 유지되려면 거래대금 수수료 말고, 제품 등록 등에서 적어도 12.5% 이상을 받아야 한다는건데... 이건 현실적으로 불가능해 보이구요. 뭔가 비즈니스 모델 관련 숫자들이 이상합니다.

  • @morning님께서 게시글을 확인하실 것이라 생각해서 별도로 영문 버전을 작성하진 않았는데, 확인을 못하시면 조만간 영문으로도 하나 쓰겠습니다.

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Hi @glory7. That part of the white paper used an example based on current market values and ~4.5 million SP. So when the account or accounts reach that SP, those rewards will be possible. It is just an example of how the reward system works - not a promise of value due to the changing market values. The value of upvote is reset everyday. This means, every day, the account has 10 full votes. That is equal to 1,000 units of 1% votes. So, 100 units of 1% will give about $5 today at current SP. We then set: $5 Upvote = 1,000 STOR; so 100 STOR will give $0.50.
Now, once SP delegation goes to $1.5 Mil or more; the same math but higher values.
Also, if price of STEEM increases; same math but higher values.

We will update the WP to reflect this more accurately. Thanks for the suggestion.

Thank you very much for the details. Now it makes a lot more sense - reward pool is the voting power of the account and that power is divided to daily transaction contributors, according to a given formula which takes transaction numbers, prices, etc.

One more question: is it fixed to 1 unit = 1 stor? Or will increase to say 1 unit = 10 stor, as more SP delegated?

Thank you for asking important questions, @glory7.
So, the way to look at it, is that if STEEM price increases and our SP delegation increase AND total daily transaction also increase; the number of STORS awarded per day will decrease. For instance, let's say we reach $1 Mil per day in total transaction.
That wouldn't trigger 1 Mil STORS rewards for that day....that would be impractical and overly inflationary. We will reduce the STORS rewards and that would have the beneficial effect of a deflationary influence. Do you see? I hope this clarifies.
This deflationary influence will also powerfully elevate the price of STORS and how much each STORS can get in upvote. We must keep in mind that the STORS coin is divisible by 6 decimal places. Like BTC, the multiplier is deflationary so we can subdivide each coin to six places...

okay, now this is even more confusing.

For simplicity, let's assume that the price of steem remains constant, and ignore the STOR creation from the transactions, and focus on tokens generated from the SP delegation part.

The number of STOR token airdropped is linearly increasing in the number of SP delegated. Then, how are you going to decrease the number of STORs awarded per day? this is a simple, but critical question.

In addition, if transaction volume grows, so STOR token distribution to buyers and sellers. Or at least, there should be a fixed amount of STOR token distributed per day from transactions. In any case, decreasing number of STOR as transaction volume goes up does not make sense.

And for a numerical example, let's say you reach your goal of 4.5m SP delegated. Even under the conservative assumption that all SP delegated are round C and gets only 1 token per 1 SP, it will result in about daily 25,000 STOR airdrop from the SP delegation alone. But from my understanding, per each day you will only decrease 1,000 STOR (10 full votes) by selling votes. Where would the rest of tokens go or get used?

Per day, there will be 1,000 units of 1% upvotes available. Daily, the amount of upvote that can be garnered per STORS token will be set (maybe weekly). So, if the limit of upvotes per day is 1,000 units of 1% upvotes, then dStors will set 1 STORS = 1%. If price of STEEM increases to $2; then 1 STORS = 0.1 of 1%. Not ALL STORS submissions will be serviced for upvotes for that day. Just like the bidbots, daily upvotes that can be captured will be limited to 1,000 units of 1%. NOW, two scenarios are potential:

  1. If dstors becomes highly profitable, multiple voting bots can be established with each having 1.5 Mil to 4 Mil SP.
  2. STORS holders may have to bid for the upvotes using their STORS. Just like how the bidbots work. These have NOT yet been finalized as they are pegged to the growth probability of dStors.

I hope this answers your question.
Also, no airdrops will happen, to make it clear.
Inflation of STORS is purely dependent on completed transactions that are awarded.
Delegators who received STORS will have to spend stors for the upvotes. The amount they get will depend on the purchase power of STORS for that 1% unit of upvote.
Can all stors be serviced in totality from an upvote request? Yes, but it'll take a while. This is why, we'll setup a potential for bidding. Votes will go to the highest bidder using STORS.
So, just like the bidbots, 10 votes per day. That's the load and per day, it won't service all STORS tokens rewarded. That is not the point. In other words, not everyone can cash out STORS for upvotes all at once.
I think that's good because it'll "force" many to hold the STORS.
Initially, upvotes will be first come first serve. Then, upvotes will likely have to be bid for using stors.
Again, there is no way to service all STORS for upvotes right away.

It's like imagine if every Korean Air air-mile holder wanted to cash in on their free tickets all at once......the airline won't allow it. However, steady flow is manageable for them as it will be for dStors.
Just like how airlines have certain number of seats at certain times available for purchase using air-miles; dStors has 10 votes per day limit.
However, unlike air-miles which can't be bought or sold on an exchange, STORS tokens will be available to sell and buy on the exchanges.

The project is in-development and we reserve the right to change and improve our reward mechanism and the experience for our users as appropriate.

p.s. Whitepaper now states:

Thank you.

Thank you for your detailed reply. This reply answers lots of questions I had. Now I think I got the main concept, but it seems that 'the devil is in the detail' like in many cases.

But it is certainly assuring to have founders who are responsible and energetic. Again, thank you for your time and effort answering my questions and promptly fixing the whitepaper.

If you are in the process of updating whitepaper, you may want to update the formula in the page 11 (7.4). First is typo: it says summartion from k=0 to n, but it seems that you meant i=0 to n. Second, this part is not certain, but to me T_i is a bit confusing, as "i" denotes for each transaction so T_i does not really make sense - to my understanding, it should be "T", which is a total number of transactions in a certain day.

Hello yet again @glory7
The formula has been adjusted to reflect your suggestion:


I will update the WP as well. Thank you again!

Thank you for letting me know. Glad to see that suggestions are reflected immediately!

Thank you @glory7! You certainly helped greatly. And yes, the devil is in the detail and you have a great eye for it. I will edit the formula as well and post an update to this thread here 👍


판매자와 구매자에게 보상으로 주는 것은 토큰(그 명칭은 Stors?)이며, 그 보상 비율은 따로 공식이 있고, 그 토큰은 스팀 글에 보팅하는 데에 쓸 수도 있고 비트셰어 거래소에 등록된 크립토통화로 바꿀 수도 있는 것으로 알고 있어요.

Posted using Partiko Android

짱짱맨 호출에 응답하여 보팅하였습니다.

저도 500스파 임대했습니다 ㅋ

오오 빠르게 하셨군요! 저도 조금 더 연구해보고 임대 얼마나 할지 정할 예정입니다.

뭐든 스팀잇이 좀 살아났으면 합니다.

Posted using Partiko Android

그러게 말입니다.

지난주 서평쓰기 마지막 리워드 (3/3)입니다. 새 글을 목빠지게 기다렸습니다 .^^

앗 기다리셨군요. 앞으로 글 좀더 자주 쓰겠습니다.

히든 보너스입니다! ㅎㅎ
축하 댓글 주신 분에게 와서 미약하나마 100% 보팅 하고 있습니다.
(비밀이니 소문은 내지 말아 주세요~ ^^)

정확한 이해가 쉽지 않은 부분이였는데 문의를 해주셔서 궁금증이 풀렸네요 ^^ 감사합니다!

아직 백서 업데이트 되기 전까지는 ... 여전히 이해가 안가는 부분들이 좀 있습니다. 현재까지로는 그냥 보팅풀과 다른 점이 별로 없어 보여요.

백서 업데이트 기다리고, 궁금하면 계속 물어봐서 풀어나가면 되겠죠 ^^

곰돌이가 @glory7님의 소중한 댓글에 시세변동을 감안하여 $0.002을 보팅해서 $0.021을 지켜드리고 가요. 곰돌이가 지금까지 총 1989번 $25.831을 보팅해서 $24.599을 구했습니다. @gomdory 곰도뤼~

smt 가 사실상 그냥 보팅풀을 둘러서 이야기 하는 것 같습니다.
그것이 외부인 영입하는 것보다 가장 쉬운 길일테니까요.

[스팀蟲: smt ] smt 본질, 한계 및 갈길 ? (@SteamSteem 개인적인 현재 판단일뿐)
( https://steemit.com/kr/@steamsteem/-smt-smt-steamsteem--1544658228342 )
2018.12.13.목.07:46, by @SteamSteem,

또 다른 관점에서 생각하면,

먼저 그렇게 쉽게 수익 내면서 시작할 수 있는 길을 만들어 줘놓고,

많은 좋은 댑들이 만들어 지면,
외부인 영입은 장기적으로 자연스럽게 되도록 하는 것이
옳은 방향일 수도 있겠네요.

처음부터 적자나면서 살아남는 것 보다는
뭔가 비빌 언덕이 되어 주는 것이 스팀 보상 풀 일 수도 있겠네요.

이해를 돕기 위해 구체적인 숫자로 예를 든 것입니다. 지금보다 다소 높은 STEEM 가격, 지금보다 더 많은 @dstors 계정 SteemPower 보유+임대량으로 가능한 예시이며 저 숫자 그대로 보장되는 것은 아닙니다.

그러면 저게 예시라고 명시하고, 어떤 가정이 들어갔는지 대략적으로라도 공지해야 하지 않을까요? 지금 문서상으로는 받는 토큰의 가치가 스팀 가격이나 등등 다른 요소에 영향을 받을 수 있다는 부분은 없어서 오해의 소지가 있어 보입니다.

아직 임대를 하지 않았는데 글로리님 글을 읽어 보고 좀더 지켜 봐야겠어요 ^^

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