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RE: The Clinton Crime Family (Foundation)... Bigger Than You Think

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)

The biggest crime of B Clinton and her wife was that they sold top military secrets to China.
Bush doubled down by giving them the Neutron Bomb.

Bill and his wife were/are foreign agents.
How can it be legal for politicians to own even part of foreign companies? It ought not to.


I couldn't agree more... I'm going to start researching those companies. Bill was selling China our technology when he was prez. The Clinton/Bush conglomerate have been in bed with the Chinese all along. People are marveling about China landing on the back side of the Moon... It was our technology!!!

Murderous and criminal grand theft China is the love child of the globalist cabal, the commis and their useful idiots, the Sozis - a creation of Clinton/Bush who allowed them to rise to international power through high treason.

European TV, especially German State TV (such thing does exist), hail even the China Surveillance State as something good. Sozi idiots: It will kill you, too.

As for the Neutron Bomb, this is how China will attack the US with the justification to take possession of their unlawfully acquired real estate and infrastructure in the US and elsewhere.

China is the evilest demonic rotten murderous fascist state there is. Boycott and disavow.

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