Is snowboarding a silly hobby? Find out in this video!
Headed out to prominent skiresort Lech in Austria to see if it really stands out for what it says.
The mountains there has really a VIP feeling to them as they are somehow unique. Local clientel is another story as it is the most expensive resort in Austria, it tends to be full of not so cool individuals.
You have to look around a lot to see somebody with some real ski/snowboard skills.
But that is after all a good thing as nobody goes off piste and I ended up having the mountain mostly for myself...enjoy
Hi globallocal,
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hi dear @globallocal, this is amazing :-)) how to fly in a wonderful landscape! but in the end someone was not happy, truth? congratulations for your work and for your curie vote
Thank you! Well in Austria they'll fly you down even with a twisted ankle, that person wasn't bad injured luckily...but without proper insurance it can get pretty damn expensive.