That time my simple post went viral - McGregor vs Mayweather

in #sport7 years ago


August 26th - You'll remember it for the rest of your life. Its one of those moments any person with half an interest will be talking about many years from now. Personally im team mcgregor, biased being an irish person. So lets get into it...

About a year ago, even abit longer, I made a facebook post which i thought at the time would never be seen by anyone, but i was wrong. I woke up the next morning to my news feed blowing up. This was it...


The reason i made this post was because i read an article about floyd mayweather claiming that hes hated and mcgregor was loved was because hes black and mcgregor was white. For some reason he played the race card. That annoyed me... So i made that post.

At the time i had a second facebook account for a website i was planning to set up (never came to anything!!). i changed the name from weirdpawn (the website) to conor mcgregor and wrote this status on mayweathers fan page. Cringy looking on it yes... But i honestly thought that was that. Fox sport in australia seen it and thought it was the man himself and shared it. Before it was deleted it had, i think, over a million likes(can't reallu remember) but it wasnt until i seen friends on my own facebook newsfeed sharing it that i thought oh shit..this has got out of hand!!


The account was disabled, for good reason, but just goes to show the power of social media!!

It was stupid but now im just looking forward to this fight. Let me know who will be watching on August 26th.. I personally cant wait!

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