What Kinds Of Businesses Would You Like To See Accept STEEM/SBD?

in #dpoll5 years ago

What Kinds Of Businesses Would You Like To See Accept STEEM/SBD?

STEEM isn't just a social media or investment platform, but a blockchain that can ultimately handle all kinds of transactions and activities. That has already been proven with gaming and gambling sites, but beyond that STEEM could be used for so much more.

What would you like to see on STEEM as quickly as possible? Choose as many as you want, or specify your own. This is by no means an exhaustive list.

Image source—Pixabay

  • Retail stores

  • Real Estate

  • Insurance (all kinds)

  • Bill Pay (rent, mortgage, phone, internet, utilities, etc.)

  • Grocery stores

  • Vehicles

  • Subscriptions (Netflix, Disney, etc.)

  • Services (home and car maintenance, legal help, appliance repair, etc.)

  • Lending institutions

  • Live Entertainment (sporting, amusement park, concert, theater as well as movie tickets, etc.)

  • Fast Food/Restaurants

  • Parking fees/tolls/drivers license, other municipal/city/state expenses

  • Other (please specify)

  • All of the above

Answer the question at dpoll.xyz.


I'd sell my artwork for steem / sbd in a heart beat, or my services as a photographer.

Hey, @holoz0r.

That would be really cool. So could you do that fairly easily now, or would you need something that doesn't exist yet in order to make it happen? Seems like anyone who had a STEEM account could just send you some STEEM directly to your wallet with personal mailing information, or if digital, some kind of existing download service once the transfer was made. Maybe I'm oversimplifying it. :)

Excellent review @glenalbrethsen and I think I would like to see Steem in all points!

Hey, @serkagan.

Looks like all of the above is pretty much the consensus winner. Probably a little too obvious, but I figured there might be some too that would be happy with just a few things going.

After the U.S. Monetary Reset, you'll be turning in your Steem for U.S. Crypto-Coinage, denominated in Dollars and Decimal Cents... We're so close now...
June 11, 2019...

Voted for

  • Retail stores
  • Real Estate
  • Insurance (all kinds)
  • Bill Pay (rent, mortgage, phone, internet, utilities, etc.)
  • Grocery stores
  • Vehicles
  • Services (home and car maintenance, legal help, appliance repair, etc.)
  • Live Entertainment (sporting, amusement park, concert, theater as well as movie tickets, etc.)
  • Fast Food/Restaurants

Hey, @chireerocks.

Thanks for participating in the poll. Looks like you found quite a few things you'd like to use STEEM for. :) Anything I might have missed on the list? I was thinking of a few myself earlier—like farmer's markets, or fairs and festivals—stuff like that, although I guess that could come under the general idea of entertainment.

Welcome and in my opinion and in my experience i saw that farmers want to stay away from the Technology because they live more natural life and they are more earth beings. So let's keep everything simple for them.

Voted for

  • All the above

I Think all kind of travels like airplane, train, boat and urban bus or metro must be included.

Posted using Partiko Android

Hey, @pataty69.

Thanks for participating. Yeah, all travel should be included, definitely. I wonder which would adopt things sooner—an airline company or a municipally ran bus or subway? I might lean towards a government doing it first, but probably not in the U.S.

Voted for

  • All of the above

Hey, @saffisara.

Thanks for voting. Anything else you might want to personally use STEEM for that didn't make it into the options?

Voted for

  • All of the above

I had like to say all but the possibility of all of them being accepted is low so if am aked to choose I will go for

  • Bill payment,
  • Brocery stores and
  • Netflix subscription.

Hey, @maxwellmarcusart.

Yeah, I figured some of you might be looking at it from a more practical or pragmatic standpoint, so I figured some would want to start out small with some fairly basic things, while others would probably just want it all and be done with. :)

I agree though. It's going to be a step by step process, but I think we can get there. It becomes like a snowball rolling down hill at some point. We just need to get the ball up the other side of the hill.

Yeah, taking everything at once would not be a good idea. I think it should be tested in some products preferably the ones we regularly consume.

Then, gradually, others could be added.

Posted using Partiko Android

Well, knowing the hodge podge way things tend to happen here, I don't know that there would be any testing or trials or organized onboarding. It would just kind of slide on from wherever without much rhyme or reason. If that's what you mean, we're golden. :)

Oh if it just being slided on from wherevere without much testing, they wont be assured that it would be generally accepted.

Posted using Partiko Android

Voted for

  • All of the above

Hey, @jeffjagoe.

Thanks for the answer. Did I leave anything off the list that you would want to see there? I've been asking some folks since there's bound to be something I didn't think of.

Looks like you’ve got all the bases covered!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Voted for

  • Retail stores
  • Bill Pay (rent, mortgage, phone, internet, utilities, etc.)
  • Grocery stores
  • Subscriptions (Netflix, Disney, etc.)
  • Services (home and car maintenance, legal help, appliance repair, etc.)
  • Lending institutions
  • Fast Food/Restaurants

My business! (Martial Arts Center)

Hey, @wholeself-in.

Thanks for answering the dpoll question. I suppose I could have added a "My Business" or "My Product or Service" option. Good idea. :) Now, are you saying that your martial arts center currently accepts crypto?

No, but it's a goal. Currently we do not have enough wiggle room in our budget to experiment, because we'd have to convert everything to USD to pay our bills anyway. But I hope to start taking crypto within the year.
Dealing with taxes is a bit scary, though

Posted using Partiko Android

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 64344.88
ETH 2629.39
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.83