Grandpa Gotta Eat—Vegetarian And Seafood Pizza

in #food5 years ago

Well, I managed the Gallucci's pizza trifecta earlier this week, and on this week's edition of Grandpa Gotta Eat, I'm going to tell you how it all went down.


A couple weeks ago I raved about a Hawaiian and Mushroom 8-inch pizza from Gallucci's I had on the way home from Lincoln City, Oregon. Then I mentioned in a post about our coast trip that I took part of the family there and tried the taco pizza, which was pretty good, but not quite as good as the first one.

I wasn't that impressed with their Gourmet Garlic Chicken pizza that my wife got either (I think they forgot the garlic and nearly forgot the chicken), but one subpar pizza does not a trend make.

The real test to how things were going to go was squarely on the shoulders, metaphorically speaking, of another Gallucci's pizza, the Vegetarian and Seafood pizza.

Screen Shot 2019-07-19 at 5.04.14 PM.png

Those, my fellow Food Fight Friday fanatics are the ingredients. Bay or salad shrimp, clams and oysters are all things that can be found on the Oregon coast, so whether it was all fresh or not, I don't know, but it could have been.

Woah! That's Heavy!

I had to wait a little bit this time to get the pizza I phoned in. I think I know why. The more you put on a pizza, the more it has to sit in the oven for all of it to be cooked, especially when there's plenty of vegetables that can produce water as they bake down.

And it showed, I've carried many a pizza in a box before, but few startled me by their weight. I'm afraid the image does not do this pizza justice. It weighed about triple what the Hawaiian and Mushroom pizza did. I don't think I'm exaggerating in the slightest. I was smiling like a crazy man all the way out to the van.

There hasn't been any skimping on the pizzas I've ordered. Maybe they take a look at me and decide they better load mine up. I'm not sure. However, this was so piled on I was afraid I wasn't going to be able to eat it while driving like I did the last time. There's only so much balancing you can do, so I had to be extra careful. I did manage to get some sauce on my shirt.

So, What About The Taste?

It was good. You kind of really have to like clams and oysters, though, because those are the meat flavors that come through the most, then the green peppers. I don't even remember tasting mushrooms, but as I said, there was a lot going on here, along with copious amounts of cheese.

How does it rank with the others I've tasted? I guess I'd have to make it third, but really close to the taco pizza. It's also the first pizza that I couldn't finish, (I could only manage five slices instead of all six). As I said, it was loaded.

I don't regret eating what I could, though, and if you're into shrimp, oysters and clams, I would recommend it.

More To Try

There are other Gallucci's specialty pizzas to try, but the only other one that intrigues me is the Dirty Bird. If I try it, I I will let you know what's on it. Other than that, I might have to build my own and revert to my normal staple of ground beef, mushrooms, olives and tomatoes on the side.

We'll see. I will be heading over to the coast next Tuesday, so the opportunity for more Gallucci's is there.

Until then, my Food Fight Friday friends...



This is the pizza turn

Ive literally grown up working at pizzerias and never have i had seafood on a pizza lol. That looks amazing and i do injoy claims & oysters. Love it, thnx for the read and that pic has me drooling 🤤👍

Hey, @weirdheadaches—this is the pizza for you!

I'm scheduled to be back on the coast today, so we'll see what I try out this time. :)

Your Food Fight Friday Contender has been entered into Round 52
May your contender make it out alive and not be placed in a permanent food coma!
Good Luck

An interesting review and these pizza looks very appetizing!

I'd say it turned out tasty enough, @magnata. Just need to like the seafood part of it. My guess is, that's more of an acquired taste.

That looks like a whopper of a pizza. And it certainly looks delicious. 😋

It was noticeably heavier. I liked it. Might be a while before I eat it again, though. :)

It looks like a pretty good pizza

Hey, @denissemata.

I liked it a lot, although I don't think it's one I would want to eat often. Maybe once every other month or something. Other kinds I could eat on more regular basis.

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