Introducing Myself: Hi Steemit! I'm Giulia ♥ Raw Vegan ~ Blogger ~ Spirituality ~ Love

Hi everyone! 

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I'm Giulia, a 22 year old simple girl - even though my Spirit feels like a little kid and an old being at the same time - living in a little town near Rome. 

I am about to get a degree in foreign languages (English and German) but what I am really passionate about is Love. That probably sounds extremely cheesy, but when I say Love I am talking about the Universal energy that pervades All That Is. 

 I love sharing my thoughts, my daily experiences, my feelings with the world through social media, because I think they're an incredibly powerful tool to create connections with other Souls. So that's why I am here: to share the message of Love. Just recently I've realized that this is my Life purpose as I am trying to spread the Love that I feel in my Heart all around me and to manifest it in all areas of my Life. 

How do I spread the Love? I am focused on my own Self growth and evolution. So the things that I'm gonna write about here are: spirituality and how to connect to your Spirit, loving your Self, the role that a healthy diet plays in our spiritual growth, how to stay positive, creating happiness, raw vegan food and recipes, meditation, yoga and physical activity, and lots of other stuff... 

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When I was 14 i decided to stop eating animals and now I've been vegan for almost 7 years. In April 2016 I decided to take a step further and start living a raw vegan lifestyle, which has allowed my body, mind and spirit to heal and to experience countless benefits. Not only have I lost weight, but I also learned to thoroughly Love my Self, I expanded my Consciousness and I've finally reconnected to my Self, Nature and the entire Universe. My days are filled with Love, Gratefulness and Happiness since I've found the clarity to live right here, right now. But I'll share all of this with you in the future... I don't want to reveal too much right now, otherwise I would be writing an extra long post! 

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I'm looking forward to share my Life journey of spiritual and physical healing, of Self-discovery and growth with all of you, hoping to inspire someone else to create Peace in their Heart and in their reality, so that we can learn and evolve together to create a new world of Love here on planet Earth.

Much Love to all of You! 

You are infinitely Loved. ♥  

You can find me on instagram: @giuliafruitangel 

And you can find my recipes on my blog: 


Welcome to STEEM! I am very happy that STEEM has more pro vegan and pro raw vegan attention here rather than what the meat industry is promoting! This shows where the truth is :)

Hello Giulia, very nice to meet you here. Me too am a vegan, first lived 12 years like a vegetarian and now ca. 4 years vegan and most of the time raw vegan also. It's the best way, don't need any doctors or drugs anymore after 48 years of pain and sickness. I like to share these experiences also, because that is what we are here for I think. A warm embrace und much Love. aagje

That's great! So happy to hear your experience. :D Much Love! ♥

Hi @rastalady! I had to UV your comment here on @giuliaengel's post! I am a huge vegan advocate and LOVE hearing success stories! How amazing that you've gone so long (forst 12 years and now another 4) with compassion in your diet <3 You're an inspiration! Sending you love! Thank you for your incredible commitment! I'm so happy to hear that you've overcome your pain! <3

Welcome, the steemit family fellow plant-based muncher. Looking forward to seeing some of your creations.

Thank you so much darling! Much Love ♥ :D

@giuliaengel, welcome to Steemit. You have joined a great community.

My advice:

  1. Keep meeting people, especially in the comments section.
  2. Strive to write great content.


FREE GIFT - Check out my online course about formatting your Steemit posts.

Thank you so much for your advice, I'll keep that in mind! ♥

Welcome dear. You're so fine. Looking forward to reading up stuff from you.

Ahah thank you very much! ♥

Ciao Giulia, benvenuta e complimenti per le tue scelte di vita 😉

Grazie mille caro! ♥

hello and welcome Giulia to the steemit communty :D

Thank you so much! :D ♥

Well written Giulia! 🌟 🙏
Welcome to steemit, may the community treat you with love ❤️ I am already exited to read your future post!

Followed and upvoted🌟

Thank you so much sweetie! Followed back ♥ :D

Healthy diet, yes please. Love vegan food. Welcome.

Yes! Thank you :D ♥

Welcome aboard and hello from the United States.

Thank you so much! :D ♥

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