Recall Girlsfoundation health outreach || Free eye test and distribution of drugs


No wealth is much more important than our health. It is actually what makes us who we really are. Humans can't certainly do anything if one is found in a very dangerous state of health. It has always been true and wise to say "health is wealth". This adage is very true to life. Good health is a great assurance of a happy life and gives us a feeling of security. And so @girlsfoundation is here to preach to all its supporters and readers how good being healthy really is.


 Photos : LG G5

An update post was made a few days ago about an outreach which was scheduled to occur here in Kumasi, Ghana. This made update was a project that was in collaboration with @bettervision led by @nattybongo. The health outreach was fully planned and arranged with a host of doctors and health personnel at Anwiam Hospital here in Kumasi. The post relating to the post can be found HERE.

We woke early yesterday to make sure all arrangement and the personnel called were up to post with a positive turn out. Many thanks to @nattybongo and some other doctors who never gave up on me during the set up to invite people who were going to be present for the exercise. Basically, the exercise was organised at three different places here in Kumasi. We were good enough to have a lot more health personnel who were willing and appreciated the offer to join in the outreach. This made the activity happening in three different areas in Kumasi as stated earlier.

I am presenting to my readers today the summary of the outreach that occurred at one of the three places which are Kumasi City Mall in Ghana. The outreach at the Kumasi mall was so good as it was initially the only place it was meant for. An Arrangement was fully made with the doctors which they supported us with the very little facilities they had to carry out this exercise. This really proved that the health of Ghanaians is of much concern to lots of people. It all started well in the morning with the various teams much prepared and ready to work.


The mall was a target place because it is a place where lots of people are seen shopping most time most especially this festive season. The health team was very strong and hard working which enabled us not to have a crowded atmosphere. There was an arrangement to cater for people with issues of;

  • BMI
  • Blood pressure
  • Diabetes
  • Hepatitis B.

It was really good to see people were screen freely for all these during this festive season. The available doctors were good to give the necessary advice and directions to all those who attended to be able to live healthy without getting into any trouble this season. Below are photos of the various activities that took place.




This was the entry point for the inited people. It included taking information about the invited Ghanaian and the very health challenge he/she may possess. Names, residence, age, occupation and other information were carried here.






Individuals were proceded to have their BMI done here at this setup as well. It took care of blood pressure, temperature, weight and the sugar level of every individual.





This very place also included doctors who gave meanings to the information to individuals cards. They diagnosed people with direction and positive medication to help them get better.















Indeed, this place was all about vision. It was full of personnel to handle all the problems related to vision.Well trained optometrists were present to help ensure people have a better vision. Sunglasses were available to be given to people who may not have enough to purchase one especially the aged.




"Your health is your wealth" as inscribed in the T-shirts that were all over the venue. These shirts were printed by Anwiam Hospital to be given to all the health practitioners that were available for this exercise. And then also, individuals were fortunate to be given some free t-shirt even though they received free health screening. This indeed was a total life changing exercise that was conducted. I am always happy to steem steem has made people so innovative to bring up such an overwhelming exercise. The very little amount of money that was spent has always been the support of steem that we have gotten from our supporters here. We are so proud and happy to be part of the team that planned and arranged for such a life-changing outreach. we are so proud of the many things that steem has done here in Ghana and will always do. This makes it easier sharing more with friends.We ask that you stay close for the details of the summary of the outreach that happened at the other venues.

Many thanks to the leaders of both communities @raymondbruce and @nattybongo for working things out to ensure a successful outreach here in Ghana. Stay glued with @girlsfoundation as we bring you more and full detail of the rest. Thank you.


 @nattybongo & @mcsamm

About girls foundation

The girls foundation is a project set up to enlighten young ladies of their norms and value, advocate for the girl-child, encourage and support them with the little we can.We believe the girl-child can bring about change in our society. Women are essential to the nation because they take care of its children, the children are the future leaders of the nation, if you are familiar with the bible you must have heard of this verse “train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he won‟t depart from it”.Girls foundation was founded by a group of selfless ladies, it is a non�governmental organization an d believes in decentralization.


  • To enlighten youths of their purpose in life. We believe once you know the truth and purpose of your existence you are free, the journey to success and failure now lies in your hands.
  • Rape free society- Rape is a sexual assault carried out against a person forcefully. The rate at which girls are being raped these days is alarming, we are also humans and we deserve respect. Most rape victims suffer from trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder, serious injuries and in some cases pregnancy and sexually transmitted infection.
  • Fight against domestic violence- it is also known as intimate partner violence, domestic abuse or family violence; it's a form of violence committed in a domestic or family setting, such as in marriage or cohabitation. It is called intimate partner violence when committed by a spouse and called family violence when it involves the kids, parents or elders. Domestic violence has several effects on human that's is why girls foundation is picking it up. Effects of domestic violence
    includes :
    1.) Physical effect: This involves bruises round the victim, broken wrists, shortness of breath etc.
    2.) Mental effect: This involves PTSD (post-traumatic stress),
    pressing, drug abuse, suicidal thoughts etc.
    3.) Emotional effect: This involves feeling unworthy, hopeless and not motivated etc.
    4.)It affects the development of the kids and they suffer from
    depression, anxiety, fear etc
    Domestic violence always produces an international cycles of
    violence. Funny, only few people see themselves as being abused; considering it as family matter.
  • Girl education: Some people still believe that training a female child is a waste of time and money 'cause they feel she'd still end up in the kitchen, well sorry to disappoint you but ladies can do much more than just being house wives, lots of educated women are doing fine in our society today. Every child deserves equal right to education.We don't think anyone should be treated differently because of their gender, we are all one and it's high time we realized that.


The primary aim of the girls foundation is to enlighten youths and increase the awareness of the steem blockchain and steemit. Giving girls the ability to create wealth with their writing skills, without waiting for the government intervention.


We would so much be glad and grateful if you could support @girlsfoundation with your Delegation by simply clicking any of the preferred links below. Many Thanks for your support.

100SP 200SP 500SP 1000SP 2000SP 5000SP 10,000

Our utmost gratitude goes out to @adollaraday, @fundition, @wafrica and @surfyogi, @pennsif, @bleepcoin, @ackza and @riverhead @joythewanderer @adetorrent for their support. We really appreciate your kindness.


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it really was a great moment.