The Superpower that Changes by the Hour

in #life6 years ago

If I had a superpower, it would probably be something to do with the ability to read fifty children’s books aloud, without my voice cracking and without growing weary in the least. I might also have a power related to eating muffins. Come to think of it, I think my superpowers vary by the day. And so do the boy’s.


Donald Duck and the undercarriage of a truck.

In the ever-changing, versatile art of homeschooling, the boy’s superpowers change by the hour. We started the day out with:

The Superpower of Distraction

Really, it is a thing. It takes skill to be so easily distracted and to so easily distract others. There we were, sitting at the dining room table, math text in front of him. He had two pages to complete of problems we were both confident he could handle in about ten minutes—but then the superpower stepped in.

First, there were toy trucks present in the room - total rookie teacher mistake. Then it was the pencil. It just would not stay on the table. The rug seemed to turn into a pencil swallowing jungle that required a minimum of two minutes for every single pencil retrieval.

“Carpenter pencil,” my husband said in passing on the way to the fridge, “He needs a flat carpenter pencil.”

“No,” I said, irritable slapping a metal can with fifty sharpened pencils in it down onto the table. “He needs these.”


An image of peaceful tot thoughts, until...distraction.

Once the pencil dilemma was resolved, he decided to really flex his distraction muscles by calling out to his peacefully playing little sister one simple phrase guaranteed to cause chaos: “Bad Baby.” Nothing insults a tot more. Her eyes filled with fury as she shouted back “I’m not a bad baby!” It was then that I realized that his distraction had been distracting me for the last twenty minutes. Enough was enough.

“That’s it! I am setting the timer! Five minutes! You have five minutes!”

What-do-you-know, the boy finished in three.

The Superpower of Salesmanship

The boy has been earning twenty-five cents a day doing chores, which can then be spent on our Saturday yard sale excursions. The knowledge of a good bargain—a fifty cent toy truck with trailer, a twenty-five cent toy Ferrari with only one door missing—has been seeping into his brain over the last few weeks.


This morning all that knowledge came together, and it formed a new superpower. Suddenly “Yard Sale Today” signs appeared around the house. Toys covered up all the available space on the couch. An “open” or “closed” sign, depending on which word was crossed through, was taped to a stuffed rabbit’s nose and set on the arm of the loveseat.

“Are you coming to my yard sale?” He wanted to know, so I did.

“What do you want for that building set?” I said as I shuffled through my imaginary wallet.

“Eight dollars.”

“Eight dollars! We both know that thing doesn’t work very well,” and so the negotiations began.

Ultimately, I think the boy took me for a ride. He’s good.

The Superpower of Baking

The boy set to work making chocolate chip oatmeal cookies. I felt confident. He’s been baking with me every day this month. Just a few nights ago he managed muffins on his own, and he only smeared muffin batter across half of the kitchen. Truth be told, I felt confident and lazy. It had been a long day and I wanted to get off my feet.

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Some minutes later I came by to check on him and there he was stirring away a flour mixture in a large bowl. “How’s it going?” I asked.

“It doesn’t say how long to mix!” The boy looked very frustrated. I looked down at the very thoroughly combined dry ingredients he had been laboring over and restrained a laugh.

I’m not sure how much longer he would have gone on stirring for, but I get the feeling there may have been muscle fatigue.

He continued on with the recipe, and blew me away at how his five-year-old self understands how to measure out 3/4 cup of flour, and 2/3 cup of butter. He leveled off his teaspoons of baking soda.


Donald Duck and cookie dough.

He was a superhero of the kitchen, zooming around in a cloud of flour and butter drippings. My homeschooling heart was proud.

And now the superhero is in bed. I am sitting here feeling the wind change, and a new superpower coming over me. I think it has to do with sleep.


"The Superpower of Distraction".... and all this years I've been thinking I'm clueless! Nope, I'm not clueless, I just have the super power of distraction!

There are always superpowers, it's all a matter of perception ;)

yeah you're a distraction all right, can't believe you admitted it!

That boy needs a cape! And so do you!

Haha, I should make them. I think they might fuel the superpower of distraction though ;)

Oh, most definitely! You'll never get anything done. But you will look fabulous not doing it!

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True, totally worth it ;)

If I should have a super power too, it would have been the ability to fly to the sun and not burn. But with yours it's really a cool power.

I really enjoyed reading your blog and loved your choices of pictures too. You were awesome in there. Keep it up

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Thanks for shopping by.

It's always great to pick something from great malls like yours. You are humbly welcome too

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Wow!!! That's some superpowers he has there. Kids really are amazing, from doing little things that might at first seem like them being naughty to them really wowing us with their actions. So unpredictable sometimes, yet so cute, adorable and smart.

The superpower of distraction is just one crazy one...😆 well, it seems like Mum to does have the superpower to tame that power...

It amazing how he did in the kitchen, he really is the baking superhero, I mean, he is already doing this at 5, I wonder how good he will get with time. Super good!!!!!😊

The homeschooling mum in you sure deserves to the proud of how good she has trained her child. Now, you gotta answer to your superhero duties😴

I fully anticipate him to be whipping up some very fancy baked goods in the coming years, and I intend to enjoy the benefits.

Honestly, he might have inherited the superpower of distraction from me, so I can't complain too thoroughly about it. It is a superpower after all ;)

Thanks for stopping by.

It must feel good to have a boy with so many superpowers at home :) I love the first one! I think it's a men's thing as my husband is a 'little bit' older than your superhero and possess exactly the same super power. If I want to talk to him I have to make sure that we are sitting in a room with just a few things and his back is facing them. And then I know that I still have max 10 minutes because he loses the focus :D

That salesmanship superpower is a cool thing too and I'm sure he will make a good use of it when he grows older.

And who wouldn't wish to have a boy who can bake? Well, he obviously needs a little more experience if he thinks that he needs time to stir the dry ingredients but he will get there :)

Another funny, cheeky and full of love post of yours :)

Thank you for sharing and have a lovely weekend!

Very true. My son inherited the distraction abilities from his father, or possibly just by being born male ;)

Since the yard sale venture the boy opened shop selling me my own pencils.

Thanks, have a lovely weekend yourself.

These are really superpowers haha, the distraction power is really strong during my college lectures for me.

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Those superpowers do seem to crop up during times of extreme boredom, don't they? :)

Beautiful way of looking at one-more-day-in-the-life-of-a-homeschooling-parent routine.
It makes us understand teachers better.
They need some superpowers to reinforce their existing ones.

I'm always glad to acquire any superpowers I can :)

Thanks for stopping by.

Howdy ginnyannette! haha! what a wonderkid! Hey I'd encourage him the kitchen department and pretty soon he'll be making you dinner! This whole thing was hilarious, great job!

I'd really like to encourage him with dish washing. Maybe in another year he will be trustworthy with glass and china...

oh yeah, good thinking! If you can make him understand that dishwashing is as important as cooking and baking. Plus what's a quarter if he'll wash all the dishes! lol.

I will pay that boy a dollar a meal to wash dishes :)

lol! I would too, that's alot of work. He might go for that big time in a year or so!

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