Where In The World Was Gillian?

in #lifestyle7 years ago

Steeming Out And About

As you know, before my recent trip to Devon I was getting a bit overwhelmed by my Steemit experience. The amount of time I was spending sitting in front of a computer screen, without moving, was getting out of hand.

Even before I left I'd started trying to get out of the house and be around people more but I had problems getting the internet to work in my favourite cafe.

The break away was a great opportunity to take a step back and find a new perspective.

I was determined, when I got home, to find somewhere else to work and to move around more.

Yesterday I went to the cafe over the road and today I started by taking photographs for a post, which resulted in my ending up in the local library.


Be sure to click on the image to view it full screen!

It was great to be reminded how much I love working in libraries. Takes me back to my student days when we all used to congregate there, do some studying and then all head over to the bar.

I've often wondered whether I should perhaps have trained as a librarian. 😁 I like the calm, peaceful environment although, when I was younger, I doubt it would have suited me so well.

After a couple of hours it was time to get moving again not least because someone came in and sat at the table opposite. He was talking to himself and laughing out loud which was a little distracting, 😂

The two girls, sharing my table, left fairly pronto and it seemed a good time to follow suit.

Next I moved on to another branch of my favourite cafe to test whether it was the internet service or the router in the other branch that wasn't working for me.

Goerge St Neros.jpg

It took a while but I eventually got connected so it looks like it's the specific router in my favourite cafe. Good to know.

I spent some time writing some emails I'd been putting off and then returned to some commenting on Steemit.

All was going well until another character came in and sat opposite me. Apart from the constant sniffing and wiping of his nose on his sleeve the bigger distraction was his turning on his phone to watch a documentary at full volume, without ear phones! WTF!!! 😂

Trying to concentrate with all that going on and the cafe music playing loudly through the speakers was beyond my skills so I packed up and went home.

Overall it was a good day though and I'm hoping my getting out and about might develop into a bit of a habit and see me travelling further afield. 😁

  1. Congrats on getting out and going to work in a café. It's good for you and I do it at every given chance. It's noisier, but I'm not thinking about all the laundry I have to do :)

  2. Earphones are dead. It's all about blasting whatever you're watching/listening to on your phone as loudly as you can. I constantly fight the urge to punch people square in the face for doing this right next to me without regard. Public space etiquette is dead.

Thank you @adetorrent. I used to work in cafes all the time. Then I used to go co-working and then, for some reason, I seem to have got trapped in the house. It felt so much better to be out and about again. I have some ideas of how I might expand this more but for now I just want to get in the habit of getting out and working somewhere else every day.

I had no idea that earphones were dead. I've never heard anyone do this before. Been stuck in the house too much obviously! 😂

Thanks so much for the upvote. I've already broken 50c! Woo hoo!!! 😂 😂

:D Don't worry, it will decay to about 40c by tomorrow haha.

Kill joy @adetorrent. What one hand giveth. The other taketh away! 😂

Nice day that of yours.
I also loved libraries, it's so long time since last time. But I can also remind of some disturbing attitudes so I eventually left.
You could work on your art so you would have to move on( prohibited expresion here)... out of the chair

I seem to have lost all motivation to do any art at the moment @drakernoise, but you're right is does keep me moving around. 😁

It does sound like you are getting around to different spots, and I'm glad you were able to narrow down the internet issue. Computer problems of any kind are maddening.

Hopefully, you can get the owner of the café with the buggy router to actually do something about it.

I've always been amazed at how much liberties people take, especially in places where it's understood that it quiet, rather than noisy, is preferred. There's no excuse at a library.

The only logical explanation for either behavior, aside from being totally and utterly oblivious to universal social norms, is that they plain didn't want you there, and new how to drive you off.

I'm hoping you're time away and your getting about is helping to improve your spirits when it comes to Steemit and that you will continue to find your way. It can't all be about what we earn, or it won't be worth it long enough for us to realize success. There needs to be other reasons strong enough to stay and keep on keeping on.

The cafe with a buggy router is a manager not an owner and he's not allowed to restart the router unless there is a general problem. I've already asked him. It might work now though. But I'm enjoying my out and about around town so probably wont' be rushing back there anyway.

That and the long break away has definitely improved my spirits when it comes to Steemit. It has helped put it into perspective. As soon as I felt a bit overwhelmed by all the comments I still "had" to answer yesterday I just shut the computer down and made myself walk away. It seems nuts to me to feel pressure with regard something like this but it's easy to fall into the trap of making it more important than it is. It can become a sort of compulsion and I do not want that!

I'm not sure what my other reasons are for staying, other than community. But, for me, I think even more important than having reasons is good management and being free to walk away as and when I want to. Balance in all things and all that! 😁

I agree. Time management is essential.

It's tough. Meaningful engagement is not easy. Feeling like you're going through the motions is easy. I've been trying to find value in everything I do. Finding the way to get to provide value has been the most difficult thing. But if people are also engaging, then that makes it simpler, and that's starting to pick up even outside the league right now, which I think is a good thing.

So, by all means, walk away! Put down that laptop lid! Last thing I like to feel is compelled or obligated in anything. Responsibility and accountability for things I've opted to do is one thing. Obligation is quite another.

You'll be pleased to hear I put down the laptop lid and went for walk, took some photos and am now in the original cafe where I have finally been able to connect to the interent! Woo hoo! Success. 😊

Maybe you made the router jealous, and they decided they wanted you back. :)

Good deal. Nice to have the rest and the success. We need to find joy in all of life's triumphs, small or great. :)

The ultimate irony @glenalbrethsen was shortly after I got online, Steemit and Busy stopped working and I couldn't comment or vote. 😂

They are back up now but it's way past time to go home. Imight put up a quick photograph and them I'll be off. 😊

That happened here, too, so I got some bills paid, did some laundry and so forth. When I came back it was up again and I've been catching up to you ever since. :)

Last night the wallet was down, so I guess we're just working through the different pages until it's all done, whichever one of the things they're supposedly working on without telling us.

I suppose it might be time consuming to just announce every update or whatever that might cause a hiccup on the platform, but still, it's pretty typical common courtesy to warn your users about potential downtime. Unless they're so sure that there's not going to be downtime. Then when there is they can be as surprised about it as we are. :)

It's impossible to know how much is planned and how much isn't but "the team" are not very good at keeping us plebs updated either way.

I don't really understand the positions of ned and the other one and Steem inc. having people who appear to be in charge to some extent doesn't sound decentralised to me.

Just before steemit and busy came back online I discovered I was able to get in via steemstage.com. No idea what that's about as no-one seems to mention it much but it worked.

Tip for future reference! 😊

My mom was a librarian! She was very strict about the rules and etiquette. ANd movement is so good! You should do this more often! Ade seems to go work in the cafes a lot!

I used to work in cafes all the time @rimicane but somehow I seem to have gotten out of the habit. 😊

But now I did know. Just wanted sure that you got some appreciation with a genuine comment.
What I do find a little but funny is that the thing happened to you, was on the love/hate list you wrote. Is it karma or just bad luck.
I do read the posts and all comments, I'm just a little bit overwhelmen by all the replies I do get on my comments. It is hard to keep up.
Lets give you some new figures, without having a look at them, I do feel that I did left myself down. I was aiming for 100 genuine comments today, let's see what steemworld says:
It calculates only 87 comments, that's 13 of from the goal. What is going to make it worse, is that I have a day off tomorrow. The cats have to go the vets, the kids have to be picked up at the grandparents, and some wall has to come done. The wife wants to work in the garden. Some old stuff has to be brought to the dump! So not a lot of time for some more comments and only 2 days to go for the current engagement league.
The current number of comments this weeks stands at a miserable: 272.
This won't be enough to get to the top 5!
Will have to stay up late today!

Oh my @fullcoverbetting that sounds like it's all got a bit out of control!

I felt like that after I'd won the League although I never so far as to actually count the number of comments I'd made. The thing that makes the biggest difference anyway is the length of the comment. That has been the primary thing that has separated Lynn Coyle and I from the rest.

As I've said previously, your comments are definitely longer than mine so you should do OK.

For myself, I'm very happy to be out of that compulsive feeling that winning the League bought up for me. As long as I'm in the Top Ten and not feeling pressured to comment I will keep going. After that I might start self voting! 😁 We shall see 😁.

I hope you have a lovely day doing other stuff today. Enjoy it! 💙

The wall is winning 😔 but not giving up (yet)!

Sounds like a great opportunity to beat the hell out of the wall!

Go wall! Go @fullcoverbetting! 😂

To bad, I can’t use full force. There stands an big oil tank and on the other side a gas boiler!
Only the bottom row to go!!!

Nearly there @fullcoverbetting. So how are you managing to demolish a wall and comment at the same time? 😂

I like how you said it was a good day even it is not lol!

I think that being cooped up makes us more sensitive to sounds and we get easily distracted. I noticed that after working at home for a long time. I also get irritated easily and not comfortable with crowds. I was never a people person and working at home made that even more so.

I don't like how obnoxious people are and every time I go out I noticed that they are getting more obnoxious.

Oh dear @leeart. I would have to save my experience yesterday was overall a very positive one. What do you do nowadays then? Stay at home or go out?

I would love to go out. I used to work in a call center before and I hate the job but love the people and remained friends with some of them. I left and started work at home doing online jobs. I rarely go out then but now I wanted to go out more.

Do you have a public library near you you could go to as a first step @leeart? Generally they are nice and quiet.

I'm very fortunate because I have a lot of cafes to choose from around me. So if one is too noisy I can find another one. 😊

There are cafes here too that we can go. These third-wave cafes are springing up quickly. Did the world become so hungry that suddenly? lol! I guess I have to venture out and try these cafes that we have here too.

Sounds like a good idea @leeart. You might be pleasantly surprised at how much you enjoy it. Worth a try anyway I would think! 😍

I just came home from checking out a new cafe lol! The location is great yet many it needs more marketing. There was no one else there the whole time we were there.

That's excellent news @leeart. I hope you'll be going there again soon, or somewhere similar! 😁

I haven't made it outside today as I'm looking after the grandkids. I'm just grabbing a couple of minutes while the little one is having a nap!

Enjoy the rest of your weekend! 😊

It's too distracting for me. Probably in such circumstances is difficult to focus on your thoughts.

Funnily enough the fact that I can't focus on my thoughts if often conducive to my getting more "work" done. As long as there is not too much noise (like to bloke laughing to himself) I find I am able to focus better. 😊

Without reading the post I know where you were. I also know that girls came up with an excuse that it was lunch time before some mumbling wacko came in! Am I wrigth?
Is this the place were all the commenting does happen!

Yeah. But you don't know what happened afterwards @fullcoverbetting. And you don't know what shape the windows in the library were. 😂

And again I did reply on the wrong reply. This time you can find my reply below your reply on the comment of rimicane.
Sorry! Had to much wine, prossecco and beer. Had a diner date with the wife. And to assure you we only used the phones to sync the agendas.

hello friends how are you? You sing a quality post, I love it, I am @akhyasad and I am aceh people, can I join you?

Join us where @akhyasad? I'm not sure what you mean.

I am a citizen of indonesia i live in aceh, i hope you can help me in making a good post, do you want to teach me?

There are lots of posts on Steemit about how to write well @akhyasad. Maybe do a search for those.

I don't think I would be a very good teacher. I think the best way would be learn from someone in aceh who writes good posts. Then you could talk you your first language.

You are already writing posts I see. Maybe ask someone in the aceh community how they think you can improve them. 😊

@akhyasad is a aceh people @gillianpearce - he would like to come to kukuland with you and peter pan. duh.

OMG @adetorrent. I am sitting here, on my own, laughing out loud at that. 😂 😂 😂

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