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RE: Quotes That Get Up My Nose - 001

in #quote6 years ago

if they were meant to die crossing the street, which is what you presumably avoid if you look both ways, they would die regardless of any action to the contrary they took.

Or conversely, if they weren't meant to die and wanted to commit suicide by walking in front of a lorry they wouldn't be able to do so. Perhaps they would trip up and thus get the timing wrong. Or the lorry driver would not be paying attention and would run out of fuel and come to a grinding halt.

Blimey. I must have got out of bed the wrong side this morning. My mind went running off there and I ended up deleted a load of what I'd written. 😂

I suppose then, the true trick of this would be to know what your fate/destiny truly is, and then act accordingly

But how could you act accordingly if it was predetermined. That's my point I think. either it is predetermine or it isn't. There is not in between. 😊


What I meant by accordingly is basically you would live your life and whatever happened happened, just like it was suppose to. Which is really a lot like how we live our lives anyway, not knowing what's going to happen, fate or not. :)

Which is really a lot like how we live our lives anyway, not knowing what's going to happen, fate or not.

Exactly @glenalbrethsen. I think we all like to think we have a lot more control than we actually do. 😁

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