Arguing With Reality

Teaching A Cat To Bark

Not wishing to mince my words I'm having the shittiest of days.

Actually it began yesterday.

Nope not true. It was really Wednesday night when it began but. at that point, I had no idea what was about to unfold.

And . . . ever since yesterday afternoon, I've had a couple of Byron Katie quotes going through my mind about "arguing with reality".

Because that's what I've been doing, with a vengeance.

arguing with reality.jpg

Be sure to click on the image to view it full screen!

On Wednesday night I closed my computer down and Windows updated.

On Thursday morning Windows wouldn't load.
I tried to open in Safe Mode. No longer an option.
I tried to go back to an earlier restore point. There weren't any.
In fact, I followed all the suggestions I could find but nothing worked.

I decided to take my laptop to a local computer repair shop after phoning them and being told they already had 5 that had been brought in that morning and they thought it would take about 2 hours to get to mine.

Four hours later they told me it was done, showed it to me and asked if it looked OK to which I replied I wouldn't really know until I started to use it.

I paid the bill and went to a cafe just up the road to try it out.
First thing I found is that all my photos had been deleted.

I went back to the shop in the hope that they had downloaded them somewhere but they said that the folder was empty when they reinstalled Windows.

"What? You reinstalled Windows" I cried.

"Yes", they said.

Bloody hell, they'd only gone and wiped the whole of my hard drive without asking me if that was OK or warning me they might have to do that!!! 😱

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I'm now going to add a pretty flower picture here in an effort to cheer myself up before I continue with the story! 😢

Might take a while. I'll have to find and download one from my Google account . . .

pink tulips.jpg

Be sure to click on the image to view it full screen!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Back to the nightmare story . . .

For some reason they backed up my documents and my desktop but not my photographs or my music.

I probably have backups of most of the photos in one place or another but I've just spent the last 6 months sorting them and editing them.
I've been putting them into folders so I could find them more easily and I'd organised them in such a way that I knew which ones I'd used and which I hadn't in my Steemit posts.

Before I did this, I was spending inordinate amounts of time trying to find photographs I wanted to use.

I've run some restoration software overnight but so far, the files I've found, won't open despite their being in "excellent" condition. I googled it and apparently even if a file has been found and not overwritten there is no guarantee that it can be successfully restored.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

In the meantime I am still in the phase of "arguing with reality". I can't quite face that this has really happened and that, I suspect, I will simply have to give up at some point and start again with the downloading and organising.

I know that it helps not one iota to keep fuming about it and feeling sorry for myself but I just can't seem to help it.

Sometimes we are our own worst enemies.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Wine, chocolates, upvotes and resteems will all be gratefully received by poor, poor moir! 😢 😂


Ouch! I feel your pain. , I can only imagine how you feel right now. Speaking as someone yet to organise photos taken on trips last year and previous years. year back. I can only say you can do, I have got what it takes. You being able to write this post speaks volumes.

Writing the post and having a good moan about it in comments first, was a big help in getting things into perspective @nitego.

Now I need to start the organisation again and see what I can salvage.

Thanks for stopping by and for your support. It's much appreciated! 😁

Ahh crap!

They should have asked at the time or called you, that is not cool at all :(

I hate computers sometimes. Hopefully you've got backups, and one (or more rainy days), you'll find the motivation to repeat the process, and then do a backup of the re-organisation.


I've got copies of the most recent ones @abh12345 but some of the older ones I've yet to find.

My art ones that I had taken by a professional photographer I've not found yet, for example. And I haven't come across my Nepal ones either.

I've just had to accept it and get on with it.

It's been a right pain in the ass though not having photos edited and ready to go for Steemit. I'm back to where I was in the early days. Trawling through photos looking for a good shot to enter into a contest or to illustrate a post.

At the moment I'm limited to the photos I have back up on Google.

At some point I'm going to have to look at old computers and external drives again.

It's really hard finding the time to do it all.

As you say. Pants! 😢

A total bummer, similar has happened to me with corrupt disks in the past.

I'm happy your steem keys were safe, that's a positive at least!

Probably only because the guys in the computer shop wouldn't know what they were @abh12345. I do need to get storage of them more secure. i'm afraid I'm a bit lazy with that one.

I did something clever with my master key so I'm pretty sure that is now where on my computer but now I can't remember what I did with it.

More time needed to sort this out too.

It's hard doing stuff you find extremely dull isn't it? 😁

Your balance is below $0.028. @dustsweeper is now disabled for your account until you transfer new funds.

I used to argue with reality nonstop! It’s like bangin your head against a wall! It leaves you all bloodied and bruised. Go have a drink!

I know. It's bonkers really @whatamidoing. No amount of whinging and feeling crap will change the situation but we just can't help ourselves at times.

I think moaning about it and doing my "poor me" act in some comments this morning, then writing this post this afternoon, did me the world of good. I'm definitely starting to feel better.

Of course the coffee and Christmas cake helped.

Not sure how those I was moaning to are feeling though! 😂

Thank you for visiting and leaving a comment. It's much appreciated! 😍

Damn I'm sorry. I had a similar problem with a hard drive failure a few years ago. Lost a lot of photos. We still have moments of discovery when we find a favorite photo that someone printed out or that was posted to social media. But so many are just gone. Took me a long time to get over it. By the way for quotes, I prefer never try to teach a pig to sing...

Thanks for your support @steven-patrick.

I suppose we all have similar stories in one form or another.

I've already started to long road of downloading from Google, editing and reorganising. I need to make an effort to find one of my external hard drives that's missing, to see if my art photographs is on it.

I'd rather find out now that they are gone than in a few weeks time, and get upset all over again.

Hate those pirats that call themselves professionals... How can you not backup all the info no matter can you not ask the client wich information is vital or it there is no valuable info.
This drove me nuts, sry.
If they didn't format the disk but they only restored the boot manager maybe there's a chance to go to a restoration point ( you could perfectly try it to see if there is some existing restoration point, in wich case you can be sure it was not formatted). Sometimes they say they reinstalled but they didn't and it was only a boot failure.
Keep on Gillian ;)

No. There aren't any restoration points @drakernoise. I tried that before I even took the computer to the shop.

Windows doesn't create them now. Nor can you get in with a safe install.

The annoying thing is (well one of the many annoying things is) that Windows was in a separate partition which I created deliberately for times such as these. If they'd bothered to look the could have just reinstalled the operating system and left my C drive alone, which is where my files are.

Anyway. No use wallowing. What's done is done. Now I need to begin the job of finding all the places I have photographs stored, and there are rather a lot of them. 😢

Good to hear from you anyway. You've not been around much. Do still have a lot going on?

Yeah Gillian, I'm barely able to read some posts a day most of them related to music which by other hand, you know, asks me for more practicing time...
About the data issue, nothing to be added, you created a data partition that is a really great practice regarding backup stuff. They simply did it totally wrong.
Life goes on so another ítem for the list, reordering your shots. Fortunately you made cloud backups wich is very convenient.
A matter of time and effort now...

Yep. I'm just going to put it behind me and start again @drakernoise and do a bit each day. 😊

Jeez what a nightmare. That was pretty dumb of the shop to wipe the drive without backing it up fully? What were they thinking? Obviously not thinking at all. Hope you find your old art works stashed somewhere.

Yeah. Thanks @molometer. As the day goes on I'm getting more and more used to the idea that they may be lost.

I can't actually find the external drive that I may have copies on. I'm thinking it might be in the attic but going up there is not a priority at the moment.

I've started downloading from Google and reorganising.

Good luck. Hope you get it sorted out soon.

Thank you @molometer. Not sure about soon but I'll be tackling it little by little each day. 😊

OH MY! That would put anyone over the edge. I am so sorry to hear that all your beautiful photos were wiped. I had the same thing happen to me two years ago. Now, I have an external hard drive that updates. I know exactly how you feel. love and big bear hugs to you Gillian. xoxoxo

Thank you @sunscape. I'm slowly beginning to get used to the idea of starting over.

The worst loss so far is some photographs I had taken professionally of my art. I used to sell it online and had the photos done for that. However, I no longer sell it, so I can't download them from the site anymore.

I suppose the photographer might have copies but it was a good few years ago and I can't remember his name!

I'm hoping I'll have other copies of them on some old sticks somewhere as they predate my backups to Google. &#128546

I really hope you find all the ones that are the most important to you. I really feel for you.

Thank you @sunscape.

I'm getting used to the idea now and moving slowly on. Just taking it step by step. 😁

I've had a few scares myself but now I've got everything backed up on a server. I'm so sorry. Have you tried running PhotoRec? It's worked for me and comes highly recommended by tech gurus. It's free - open source.

Thanks for your help @walkerland. I'm using Recuva which was also recommended.

No luck so far but I'm getting used to the idea that I have to start again and some of the photos will be gone for good.

I'm not sure how I will back them up in the future. I have so many photos all over the place.

It's a mammoth task to sort them and I can only tolerate doing a little at a time. 😊

Not sure what to say @gillianpearce... I also had to do an update this week and had to delete stuff to make more space but haven't lost anything as valuable as that.
Really sorry for you 🍫 and 🍨

Thank you @cryptocariad. I appreciate your support. 😍

As the day has gone on I'm making my peace with it.

Oh, Gillian, I'm very sorry that this happened :( . It is very sad to lose your entire portfolio because of the unprofessionalism of other people. They had no right to do so. I understand exactly how you feel right now. I have no idea what I could do in Your situation. It's awful! These photos are a huge job. Sometimes we get them with great difficulty. I try to copy my base on a regular flash drive. But I still hope that you will be able to return at least part of them. Is it possible that they are still somewhere on third-party sources?

Yes @madlenfox. I think I'll be able to find most of them on flash drives in in my Google Drive.

I think the ones I had taken of my art are lost though.

It's all the time I spent organising and editing them that I was most upset about. But after moaning in some comments, and writing this post I started to accept it and move on. I'll just have to start the downloading, editing and sort again.

I'll try and do a bit each day and I've already started so that's good.

Thanks for your support. It makes a difference. 😊

You have decided to do this work again and I wish you patience. In any case-do not despair.