My travel - Enjoy the natural scenery over the mountains

in #travel6 years ago (edited)

Togetherness sometimes does not need luxury, yes along with them through the valley of the mountains, the atmosphere of the day is still very early, the sun is still not visible, cool atmosphere still felt around the location, this is my journey and fellow to the 3 times climb the mountains
Kebersamaan itu terkadang tidak perlu mewah, ya bersama dengan mereka menelusuri lembah pegunungan, suasana hari yang masih sangat pagi, matahari masih belum terlihat, suasana sejuk masih terasa di sekeliling lokasi tersebut, ini merupakan perjalanan saya dan rekan-rekan ke 3 kalinya mendaki pegunungan

30 minutes have passed, while enjoying the scenery while in the mountains, the clouds look very close, even I think I can catch it, but I think will not be able to, the sun began to take its light little by little, how beautiful nature is, unfortunately in miss scenery like this, because I very rarely do something like this
30 menit sudah berlalu, saat menikmati pemandangan saat berada di atas pegunungan, awan terlihat sangat dekat, bahkan saya berfikir bisa menangkap nya, namun saya fikir tidak akan bisa, matahari mulai mengeluarkan cahaya nya sedikit demi sedikit, betapa indahnya alam ini, sayang di lewatkan pemandangan seperti ini, karena saya sangat jarang melakukan sesuatu seperti ini


It's a very amazing sight, although I rarely climb mountains like this, but when I have a chance, I will continue to do it, because of its many activities and also work, even I think will not be able to enjoy this beauty again, but I am wrong, because I can do it whenever I want
Sungguh pemandangan yang sangat menakjubkan, walaupun saya jarang mendaki pegunungan seperti ini, namun ketika saya memiliki kesempatan, saya akan terus melakukan nya, karena banyak nya aktivitas dan juga pekerjaan, bahkan saya berfikir tidak akan bisa menikmati lagi keindahan seperti ini, namun saya salah, karena saya bisa saja melakukan nya kapan pun saya mau


Before I enjoyed this place, I and some other colleagues made progress around the mountain alpine, we had a one-night stay here, everything we had done, from clothes, food and also some other medical equipment, a tent and also some we have prepared the hanging swing, here are some of his photos
Sebelum saya menikmati di tempat ini, saya dan beberapa rekan lainnya membuat perkembangan di sekitar lemnbah pegunungan, kami sempat berdiam satu malam disini, segala persiapan sudah kami lakukan, mulai dari pakaian, makanan, dan juga beberapa peralatan medis lainnya, satu tenda dan juga beberapa ayunan gantung sudah kami persiapkan, berikut ini adalah beberapa photo nya




Friendship greetings from mountain boys, hopefully you can enjoy the beauty of nature that is in your place, it is beautiful this universe, enjoy and also maintain its sustainability, greetings from Indonesia
Before I close my discussion, I thank @bobbylee for your support so far, thanks to all his friends who have been willing to read my post, hopefully in the future I can continue to provide a more interesting discussion, regards

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Thank you to @good-karma


Location : Aceh, Indonesia

Photography : @gilangarif131294

Warm greetings from me @gilangarif131294


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