Today I learned how to respond and not to react

in #til8 years ago


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I can sometimes overreact to things that happen during my work day.  When I concentrate and I am interrupted I am instantly angry.  It wastes my time.  Sometimes I even lose it. This is usually an instant reaction....then that one little stupid interruption would just ruin the rest of my day.  I react without thinking about the consequences. 

Many things in our lives revolves around the way we react to certain things.  Think about the following scenario:

A three year old wants something to drink.  You know that the child is too small to drink from a normal glass, and offer the child a plastic cup.  The child now throws a little tantrum because that is what three year old's do.  So you give in, and give him a normal soon as he takes the glass, the glass slips out of his hand and breaks into a million pieces...shattering all over the floor.  How do you react?  Do you yell and tell him "I told you so" or do you talk to him calmly?

For sure I would yell at him....BUT...

Have you ever thought about the psychological damage that is done to a three year old when yelling? 


Psychological damage can not be easily undone!

It is easier to build strong children than to repair a broken man - Frederick Douglass

Say what you want but psychological damage is permanent.  Even after intense therapy the wounds are still there.  As adults we just learn how to deal with things in different ways.  WE move on but somewhere that scar is just hidden.  

Anything that happens that could possibly remind us of that scar can make us feel threatened, and make us react negatively.  Whenever we are pressured, worried or irritated we often react differently than when we are calm and relaxed.  

Negative reactions can cause physical health issues like depression and anxiety.  This in turn contributes to a weaker immune system.  

Reacting in a negative way then becomes a habit.  

To break a bad habit is not so easy, but if you focus on making the change ANYTHING is possible.  

Here are some suggestions on how to break this habit:

  • Be conscious about the way you react to things.
  • Make a poster and put it up on your wall where you work.  The more you see it the more you will be aware of it.  
  • Focus on changing your behavior.  Focus! Make a decision to change and then just do it.  

Although this is not always easy it is definitely possible.  If you put your mind to it, then you could move mountains.

All of us have our own issues.  It is just a conscious decision that we have to make to treat others differently.  With baby steps, we can change the way the world works.  


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If you enjoyed reading this please


Great post and so true

Thank you Ian. Appreciate all your comments.

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