Great ideas for Christmas gifts and how to avoid the rush!

in #life8 years ago


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To me, the whole idea of Christmas is getting way out of hand. It has turned into a money making scheme and the whole true meaning of Christmas is totally missed.   These days if you go to a shop early in October then you will already see the Christmas tree up, and the Christmas sales booming.... This carries on for the best part of October, the whole of November and December.  I am so tired of Christmas by middle November that I don't even look forward to Christmas.  I just want to get it over and done with!

Then.... there is that dreaded Christmas list of presents that you HAVE to buy, so no one will feel left out... your friends, your co-workers and then the family.....  


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Personally I think the best time to buy Christmas presents is in January.  After Christmas!  

Do you know how much Christmas stock is sold at very low prices in January? My advice is to buy a large plastic container, with a lid, and to store all your "specials" that you buy and save them for the next Christmas. This way you always have a present available if you forget someone's birthday or need a present for any occasion.  Another great idea is to buy a small gift every month.  By the time Christmas comes, you have already bought all your presents.   


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Most of us don't do that, and when Christmas is creeping closer, and the list gets longer, then we rush to the overcrowded overpriced shops and buy whatever we see just to get it over and done with.  

So what to buy for your friends?

  • Hopefully you know them well enough to know what they really want.  If not, ASK them!  If anyone can't tell you specifically what they need, scratch them off your list.  If they can't tell you then don't waste your money.  
  • Another option is to buy a gift card for their favorite shop.  That way they can buy whatever they want.  
  • Another great idea is to give a list of possible presents to your friends (Things you have already bought) and tell them to choose from a list.  That way they get what they choose.  
  • Another possibility is to make a small donation to a Charity in your friend's name and give them a card for Christmas to tell them that you made a donation in their name.  That's a cool idea right?  

Even better, make a pact before Christmas, and decide NOT to buy any presents for each other! Friends don't really need to show each other that they care with presents do they? 


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Lastly if your friend buys you a present, it does not always mean that you have to give them something in return.  You don't even have to feel bad.  Christmas is all about giving and not about receiving, so if your budget does not allow you to actually buy presents, inform your friends so that they know not to expect anything.  Life has become way to expensive to buy presents for everyone.  A decent Christmas card will do, and you can even make your own card if you want.  A beautiful message can sometimes mean more than a present don't you agree?

What to buy for your co-workers?  

These are the people that you spend most of your day with.  Good advice is to buy the same thing for everyone.  Including your boss!  That way nobody will feel offended.  If you really have to buy them something, buy something that is useful, and that they could possibly use in the office.  Buy them each a personalized coffee mug with their names on or a personalized pencil case. Or something edible.  Sweets or chocolates.  


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What to buy for family members?

Children are sure to tell you exactly what they want!  Children think of Christmas throughout the whole year....and they often say what they want a few times through the year...BUT they also change their minds a few times a year.  A good idea is to make a list.  Then set an amount limit to the price of a present. 

We have a set price limit for the kids for birthdays and for Christmas.  This way they know exactly in which price range to choose, and if they want something more expensive then they have to pay in the difference.  

This is not cruel, this is life!  We can't always get what we want....  

We have always taught our kids to spend their money wisely and if they want to buy something they really "want" they know to save up their money.  There is a big difference between a NEED and a WANT.  So my kids always have what they need.... but because we are not Rockefeller's they know exactly what to expect!

What to buy for your partner?

Well this is something that you need to sort out with your partner.  Surprises are not always good.  If you work with a tight budget, and you always go shopping together, then point out what you like through the year. Hopefully they will save up. Tell your partner what you like and want!  That way he/she will possibly remember and buy you what you want.....  

If not there is always the exchange counter at the shop in January! 


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Thank you for reading.  Happy shopping!!


Good post. Will folow you.

Thank you @artem-sokoloff! Happy holidays!

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