Society Evolve And Cannot Be Forced(LGBTQI+)

in Steem Ghana3 years ago


One heated debate on the Ghanaian airwaves is the LGBTQI+ matters that remains unsettled. This contentious debate is as a results of the feeling that, some individual born of man and woman are entitled to personal ascriptions and so, the generally accepted binary ascription of male and female is wrong. Those who feel are entitled to be ascribe any gender of choice based their argument on law and principles of liberty. Indeed liberty is vital to any civilization that seek to grow astronomically and this can be clearly seen in early societies that embrace the term in its classical definition.

The concept of a man sleeping with a man or a woman sleeping with a woman or holding themselves as part of a minority group that needs to be recognized is something the society considers aberration. Almost all societies and cultures frowns against this act and those involved in are persecuted and in some societies are hanged to death. A typical example is the witch hunt in Europe that followed the Lutherean era. Witches were once considered as individuals who draws their powers from the devil and so was hunted until the society came to accept them centuries after. Same as this creeping cancer, European never accepted the fact that individuals can hold themselves according to their wishes and so, legislate laws against such acts.
Today, the Western world is seen proselytizing their norms and values to us yet their forget that some years ago, the fought the same moral decadence and aberration just as we're fighting today. The LGBTQI+ societies in Ghana believes that the the Ghanaian populace is not being faire to them yet, they fail to recognize that each Country has its own constitution that reflects the values and aspiration of the people. Polygamous marriage is seen as a crime in the West yet the abominable act of LGBTQI+ is not seen as such.

To conclude,I believe that the Western government can force whatever values they wish upon their people all in the name of human rights and liberty but when it comes to Africa(Ghana) we are unanimous and categorical about this social aberration whose economic and social cost we cannot contain in the near future. Our cultural values, logic and science frowns on it an therefore cannot be forced on us.

 3 years ago 

I like how Ghanaians society have come together in dealing with this issue,,we really dislike nonsense..We hope the devil won't win

 3 years ago 

we the people of Ghana are resolute when it comes to this.

 3 years ago 

yes and we will not give in no matter what

 3 years ago 

The Ghanaian society will never tolerate it

 3 years ago 

We'll never allow this even if they have to stop given us dead aid

No way, we don't want it!!!!

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