EU stops Swedish border controls

in #sweden7 years ago

The temporary Swedish border controls are due to stop November 12th and we're not allowed by the EU to continue them.


During the huge wave of immigrants in the second half of 2015 a staggering 162.000 immigrants entered Sweden as refugees, applying for asylum. This should be put in relation to Sweden's now 10 million citizens. We had a population increase of almost 2 percent in just a couple of months. Worth mentioning is that in 2016 and so far in 2017 we've received about 45.000 immigrants in total. So, while we're not even close to the number from 2015 we're not even close to any sort of functioning border controls either.

To put the numbers in more perspective, the 2015 influx is more than Sweden's fourth largest city, Uppsala. If all the immigrants from 2016 and 2017 (so far) would've settled down in a brand new city it would've placed itself as Sweden's 24th largest city.

So, right now, during the border controls we get a new city as large as Trollhättan every two years and a new Uppsala (fourth largest) every sixth year. Without the border controls and the immigration numbers from late 2015 we'd have to build a new Malmoe (third largest) every 10 months, a new Gothenburg (second largest) every 1 year and 7 months or a new Stockholm (largest) every four year and two months. Sweden's population would be more than double that of today in just 28 years!

This is the kind of immigration we're facing.

What the EU is currently doing is killing off a country and its culture and replacing it with another. We're told that the stream into the EU is under control (for now) and that the EU borders are working (since when?) but the fact is that there's already enough immigrants inside Europe to flood Sweden and make it crash under the weight. We're seeing problems right now that we haven't experienced before, criminality (practically every kind) is on the rise, and rising fast.

The only reasonable way we have to minimise the damage done and about to be done is to drastically change from the inside. End the welfare for newly arrivals, no money and no welfare until they become a tax-paying citizen, preferably set a 5 year limit that they must've been living in Sweden paying taxes before allowed to take part in the system. This would deter a lot of people and still allow people with real reasons for asylum to come here and work their way into the society.

This ridiculous hand out-politics we're seeing right now is the root of it all and must end but until the politicians (and the people for that matter) have enough willpower to actually do that we must be able to at least keep our borders under control. It's not that they're closed, just that we're controlling the people crossing it. We must also start locking anyone up who are unwilling to apply for asylum, commits crime or simply doesn't follow the rules set by the country they're in until they can get deported properly. It's quite a scandal in itself that we're not already locking people up who are here illegally...

This is not even about the crimes and other problem this type of mass immigration bring with it anymore, its about the destruction of a whole damn nation, its culture and way of life.


It's a catastrophe, Germany is flooded too. What's wrong with the EU? Who's behind the wheel of the fast driving on the wall bus? Some of us know's the answers, and THEY (government) call it conspiracy, but what they failed is, that even that can be filtered in order to get the truth out, and the truth is a political agenda to achieve a nwo and the zionists are behind it. It's only a question of time when will people and eventually politicians get it. I'm afraid they might get it when it's gonna become too late to take action. The saddest story never told. :/

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