Baby elephant feeding, kayaking, motorcycling and much more in Krabi

in #travel7 years ago

The adventure began in Krabi Province and oh boy did we have fun!
If you haven't checked the first post about my travel you can do here:
After my initial arrival in Bangkok I spent quite a bit of time at the airport getting my visa and trying to explain why am I a Bulgarian but have written down a British address as my home address (oh well.. never even thought about bringing documents for proof of address) we headed to the domestic airport that would take us to Krabi. The flight was really cheap about £15-20 and quite fast (compared to my 15 hour flight on the way to Thailand.. everything seemed pretty fast) a bit more than an hour.

No idea why this photo has such bad quality I guess we did something while compressing and it all looks quite misty..It is the only one like that I think.. oh well.

So we arrived and got a cab towards the hotel and had a go at the agency that does all the activities in Krabi on the way. We picked a full day Kayaking plus Elephant Trekking and went to the hotel. The entrance had a great view towards the river leading to an alley going all the way along it. At the door two Buddha statues were welcoming us.


These are some photos of the view from the balcony (you might recognise the first photo from my previous post) and the alley leading towards Krabi Town.




After we rested for a little while in the Hotel we decided to go to one of the beaches and the search for transport began. As soon as you walk out of the hotel and walk a bit down the alley there is a small pier with taxi boats, or boats going around the islands and drivers start approaching you. We needed a bus or a car transport though and it turned out we just have missed the bus for the beach. There are always more drivers lurking around throwing offers so we weren't that concerned. First guy had a bus and offered us a ride for 10 times the price of the normal one so we declined and he started coming up with more and more offers. At the end we decided to go with his friend on a motorcycle (Yes.. 3 of us on 1 motorcycle on a 35 minute drive. Quite adventurous and rather cheap! ).

And on the way we go to Ao Nang

Now after a drive that revealed so many nice views we got to the beach.
Road was full of these cliffs all around us. It was spectacular!

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This is the beach itself.. I swear it was sunny when we got there! Water was so warm and calm.

This is something we found on the other side a tiny little bay with loads of rocks surrounding it. You can see Nat charging the wall or something.. having fun.. I've no idea!

After we got a bit tired we walked around the streets surrounding the beach. It is a proper resort vibe there with loads of them restaurants and stores selling cheap fake branded clothes, souvenirs etc. Nothing like that closer to Krabi Town where we stay. Even though our hotel was slightly out of the city area (5-10 min walk from the centre) and filled with nature it had such a different urban vibe, nothing like the one next to the beach.

Next day was full of adventure! We got up quite early since the driver should've picked us up at around 7 o'clock. Well.. he didn't.. instead he came 45 minutes later and we were just hanging about the street waiting. To be honest it was very unorganised event but if you exclude that it was really fun! After quite the long drive we finally got to where we were supposed to start kayaking - Ao Thalane. There was a wooden construction with a small restaurant and a few stores next to the bay from where we took off.


After a brief explanation on how to actually do what we were about to do we were ready to go! Weather was cloudy and it rained for good 2-3 minutes when we started (Yup that is all the rain you get most of the time and sun comes up shortly after. Cool Ha?).

At first we went towards and around the cliffs in the opened area. Shortly after though we entered in between them and stopped at this beautiful place for awhile.


It was a really short stop and we continued going around the water mass that was surrounding us leading towards a mangrove forest in which took the longer part of out ride. It was so beautiful with rocks on one side and trees on the other. Animals all around - we saw monkeys on the trees, big lizards and snakes on the rocks around us. You could say it was a real adventure.

That is a picture right before we entered the mangrove forest and the next one is a pretty bad one of what it looked like inside

After maybe 2 hours of kayaking in this beautiful place we went back to the wooden restaurant and had lunch, we had fruits and three different dishes with rise to share with the others from the group. Not long after we headed towards the elephants! That was what I was mostly excited about and first thing we saw when we got there was this little baby elephant that my girlfriend is feeding on the first photo.

Just so I don't get left behind there is one of me doing the same. We bought two baskets of bamboo for 100 baht (£2.50) and had plenty to whet his appetite.

After a short wait around the little one we went on to climb on the big one and start our little safari adventure.

Her name is Boo. The guy that was leading her told us they've been together for over 10 years. She was stopping to grab a bite at tree branches every now and then and having quite the temper if being interrupted.

The only downside to this event were the mosquitoes and even though I did spray a good chunk of repellent on my skin I did miss some spots and the nasty buggers didn't miss the opportunity to bite. Anyway after we took our goodbyes with the elephants we went back and decided to check out the Town itself. It was the weekend so we were lucky to see the Krabi Night Market. They have these markets all around in Thailand and we went to quite a bit of them but that was the first time for me and it was quite fascinating. You can find all kinds of things on these markets clothes, souvenirs and loads of food. Oh how good the food is! Everything is quite fresh and prepared in front of you. They always have at least one stand for fried bugs (yep it is a thing.. larva, beetles, crickets - looks quite nasty so I never tried). Food overall in these markets is really cheap (cheaper than usual as hard it is to believe). They also had a stage but we didn't wait to see a performance, didn't know if there would've been any.

My girlfriend bought me something on a stick decided to take a clip of my reaction to eating it. It was liver but what she didn't know was that liver is quite a traditional dish in Bulgaria so I just thought it quite tasty.

And this is what I had - Oyster omelette and it was quite good. The lady making it even asked to take a photo of us for her facebook page.

Next day we missed an opportunity to go to the beach in the morning since we overslept so we headed straight to the port to catch our boat to Phi Phi. After we checked our tickets we entered this 'waiting garden' which was amazing. You don't expect to have something like that while waiting for transport.


Got on the boat and on we go to one of the most beautiful places you could go to!
I hope you like this one and if you did don't forget to follow, upvote and comment (I'm always happy to reply). Thank you for reading and see you around!


very good post and beautiful pictures, I loved being in that area myself, but I'm very sad to see that you rode the elephants.. Maybe you are not aware of it so I'll share this with you but there's much more research that you can do about this subject.
"Brutal elephant training has been a traditional practice in Southeast Asia for hundreds of years. The problem these days is that most captive elephants in Thailand are used to entertain tourists rather than for traditional purposes like logging or military use.
It’s our demand for elephant rides and circus acts that lead to more baby elephants getting captured from their mothers, tortured, and sold off to entertain us.
Whether you ride elephants in Thailand or not is your choice. I try my best not to judge others because I’m acutely aware that we all have different moral codes & standards.
Most people who participate in elephant tourism in Thailand are completely unaware of how they are treated."

Well I wasn't aware at all about how they are treating them. The guy leading our elephant was quite patient and they did seem to have a good connection, he was tapping him or more like scratching behind the ear to navigate her and that was mostly it. I enjoyed the interaction with the little elephant and we did feed another big elephant in Phuket after that so I would like to visit this place in the North instead next time. Thanks for the information about it I was quite unaware. :/

I understand you did not know. I hope I could influence you to be more aware about this issues.
Although it is known that this commerce of tourists riding the elephants is harmful for the elephants, not every where they are mistreated.
If you want to visit a place where they treat the elephants well in the North of Thailand, maybe you would like to check out the post I made a couple of weeks ago about one of the Elephant Sanctuaries in Chiang Mai :)

I will check it out! Thanks! :)

one more addition to that
Elephants are not build to carry weight on their back. One can argue that one person between the front legs is alright. But 2 people with a seat in the middle of the back every day for hours it leaves them with health problems no matter how they are treated.

So please whenever you see some attraction with animals inform yourself beforehand. There are many other things like tiger temples where the tigers often are drugged to stay calm for the pictures and so on

That beeing said as tantra mentioned there are some great elephant sanctuarys in Thailand where you can feed them, bath with them and so on.

Wow, very nice place, Welcome to Thailand and Following you now.

Thank you! It is amazing!

Nice report and pictures @george-topalov!

@george-topalov got you a $1.86 @minnowbooster upgoat, nice!
@george-topalov got you a $1.86 @minnowbooster upgoat, nice! (Image:

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