Daily Field Notes #24

in #geopolis7 years ago (edited)

Welcome to the 24th Daily Field Note! Here you find the top post of the day, one covering each scientific field that is included by Geopolis. Since these authors put a lot of effort in writing a good post they surely deserve the extra exposure.

Geopolis is a project to promote and connect authors who write in the fields of global sciences. Upvotes are currently worth more than $1,50 so don't hesitate to get involved or become a member for higher rewards! You can read more about the project and how to join here:


Subjects curated by Geopolis are Geography, Anthropology, Ecology, Geology, Archeology and certain branches of History.

geology: Rain From Before The Sun: Chondritic Meteors

Did you know that some meteors can help us learn about the time when even the sun did not exist? Some meteors from this period are still hanging around in the space around us and occasionally fall to earth. When one of those can make it to the earth's surface without burning up, they make a very interesting object to study. For more detail on them, go check out @mountainwashere's post.

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Chondrites are both the most common and the most important type of meteor to science. Chondrites are nonmetallic stony meteors whose parent bodies never underwent melting or differentiation- essentially, they're largely unchanged in composition and structure from the early days of the solar system. They give us an unrivaled view of the early history of the Sun and the worlds orbiting it. A thin section view of a barred olivine chondrule from meteorite Begaa NWA 4910 LL3.1 viewed through the cross polar light mode of a mineralogical microscope. ] The study of meteorites is intensely detail oriented- a meteorite researcher will often spend weeks or months poring over a single meteor s...

archeology: In Early 2018 Archaeological Scientists Begin To Reveal Who Hetpet?

The Egyptian culture dates back from one of the first well known civilizations and their existence has also been know for quite a while. But thanks to many new techniques and discoveries we can keep learning new things about this ancient society! @sward tells an interesting story that belongs to a recent founding.

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In early 2018. Begin to open an information about ancient Egyptian life. which has been indicated hidden both orally and historic objects A story of a 4,400-year-old love life has been found in ancient Egyptian burial ground in Saqqara. Archaeologists unearth a grave of the couple and their children revealed in a relief painting depicting the love scene. The tomb belonged to a singer working for Pharaoh, named Kahai, and his wife a priest named Meretites.

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