in #story7 years ago



All through the remaining months to the birth of her child one prayer remained constantly on Euna's lips. "God please let this baby be a boy, God I really need a baby boy", she prayed ceaselessly. This prayer was uppermost in her mind and soon she became obsessed with it. All her preparations were for a baby boy. She bought baby wears for a male child and the firm belief that her prayers would be answered her gave her a strong consolation. Though she was very sickly during the pregnancy, this hope made her full of expectations and gave her the courage and strength to carry the pregnancy. From what had happened in the past, the sex of this baby meant a lot to Euna.

All her four previous pregnancies had turned out to be girls. When she gave birth to her first daughter, she was very happy. The baby was very fair complexioned just like her mother. She was named Oyibo, due to her colour. Later the second child turned out to be a girl. She was named Obichi, which means the will of God.
Euna became pregnant the third time and when it turned out to be a girl, the baby was named Nkechinyerem. This was meant to tell those that may be complaining about the sex of the child that it was what she received from God. The fourth baby girl generated a lot of feelings from all concerned. Therefore, Euna named her Natachinyem. The name was an open challenge to those that complained about her daughters to obtain a male child from God and give to her, if they could.
Every other member of the family prayed for her too. They were anxious and worried on her behalf.They implored God to help her have a safe delivery judging from the traumatic experience she had passed through. They asked God to console her on the death of her husband by saving her from any complications. Ezekwe did everything in his power to make sure she had a safe delivery. He had her registered in a maternity nearby and paid for her regular visits there.

Ure was full of compassion for her. She made it a point of duty to see to it that she did not engage herself in any chore that she considered tasking. Her children fetched water, firewood and ran other errands for3Euna. Every member of the household awaited the birth of this baby since this would calm down the nerves. Even members of the extended family were concerned too. They called on her at intervals, trying to see how she was coping and trying to help out in whatever way they could.

Her friend, Adaeze, was not left out. She called on Euna constantly to find out how she was faring. Adaeze was a native of Nkwoma just like Euna was, and was married at Nneri. Both of them related with each other as sisters and were good friends.

Soon the long awaited baby arrived. Everyone was very happy that at last Euna had been delivered of her baby freely and without any complications. Ezekwe provided drinks and food for everyone around and Mama Vicky was seen dancing around happily. The women of the kindred were all over the place singing and dancing. All were happy and thanking God for his great mercy on their wife and colleague.

In all these excitement, no one noticed or called to question Euna's cold behaviour towards the new born child. When she was told the sex of her baby, she could have slumped had it not been that she was lying down. She became sad and depressed. She turned her face towards the wall of the hut. She refused to touch the baby or even to look at her. Her hope came crashing down and fell with a bang. She tried hard to suppress the urge to cry out aloud.

Mama Vicky noticed her behaviour and attributed it to weakness. She made excuses for her daughter and told everyone that Euna was not well and was having a headache. She suggested that she be allowed to rest undisturbed.

Euna's baby came at about six in the morning, but by six in the evening, Euna was still lying in the same position, facing the wall and not moving or talking. Ezekwe came in at regular intervals to see if she had moved because he was of the opinion that Euna should be moved to the maternity for medical attention. He reasoned that since she had the baby in the house, she may have had a problem that required further attention by the midwife at the maternity. But Mama Vicky suggested that she be given some more time to see if she would improve. Ezekwe reluctantly agreed. He however, brought some tubers of yam; stockfish, fish and a fowl to Mama Vicky to assist her prepare some food for her daughter. Mama Vicky accepted these and quickly prepared some soup for her daughter.

"Euna, Euna" she called, gently shaking her on the bed. "Get up and eat something. You need this uziza soup to help warm your body." Come and eat some." she pleaded, but Euna refused to move and when she could no longer stand her mother's insistence, she angrily told her that she was not hungry.
"You must have to eat something. I won't allow you to starve yourself, you must eat something".

"I am not well and it's affecting my appetite". Euna replied

"Okay. If you won't eat the yam, drink a little of the soup, it's already bedtime and you know you can't sleep well with nothing in your stomach," she urged.

"I just want to be left alone, that's all I ask. Leave me alone," she almost shouted at Mama Vicky and lay back.

Everyone in the room, Mama Vicky and Euna's children, even little Natachinyem could see that Euna was very sad. They lost appetite and could only nibble at their own share of the food. Mama Vicky quickly gathered them together and tried to reassure them.

"Eat your food everyone and let's go to bed. Baby is already asleep, let no one make any noise lest she would be awakened and start screaming."

"That would be nice, so that I can hold her in my arms" Oyibo replied, smiling.

Me too, I will carry her too" Obichi added and there was a chorus of 'me too' and 'Not you but I' amongst the kids.

Don't quarrel and fight, I know what I am going to do. I will work it out so that we will each have time to carry her. Eat your food, by tomorrow, we will talk about that." Mama Vicky told them and everyone was happy once more. They ate up their food and went to bed.

The next day, Euna only got up to take a bath, change her clothes, eat a little food and then went back to bed, facing the wall. Her new born baby had not been put to the breast and was wailing but Euna ignored her. She refused to breastfeed her and the baby had to be given some boiled water which could not sustain her and she cried the more. When Mama Vicky could not make Euna breastfeed her baby, she conferred with Ezekwe and a can of baby milk was bought. Ezekwe tried to talk to Euna, to find out the manner of her ailment, but she just pretended to be in great pains. She held unto her head wincing as if in pain and refused to talk to him.

"My in-law, do you still think we should leave her here without medical attention?" Ezekwe asked Mama Vicky who was sitting nearby, watching silently. Mama Vicky sighed

"My in-law, you see each pregnancy comes in its own way and each child delivery comes also in its own way, No two deliveries are the same. A woman can be having children before without any complication, but then don't be surprised that after some easy deliveries, whe may have so much pain in the next delivery. Euna's case is an example. Normally, she delivers her babies with little or no complications but this time the story has changed. What I would suggest is that we watch her a little longer, if the pains persists then, we can move her. I am going to give her a hot bath with herbs in the evening, so by tomorrow, we will see how things work out" she concluded.

"If you say so, it's just that I wouldn't want anything to happen to her out of our own carelessness," he said looking worried.

As he went out Mama Vicky was thoughtful. She did not intend to expose her daughter though she was quite sure Euna was merely acting. She knew she was disappointed that the baby turned out to be a girl, but Mama Vicky could not understand why her daughter was taking it too much to heart. She was hurting herself by refusing to eat and refusing to have the baby near her.

The baby's cries brought her back from her thoughts. She hurried over to her, followed closely by Oyibo who had rushed in from the kitchen. The others also came in.

"Grandma, let me hold her. You promised I will feed her when next she was to be fed," she pleaded.

Mama Vicky looked at her and smiled.
"I will let you hold her, my child. Just get a seat and sit down comfortably, and I will hand her over to you." Oyibo quickly brought a seat and sat down.
Mama Vicky handed the baby over to her. She was surrounded by Obichi, Nkechinyere and Natachinyem while Grandma sat watching.

She looked at them and wondered why her daughter could pine so much for anything else when she had such beauties as daughters. They were all outstandingly beautiful. Anyone asked to make a choice from amongst them would have a hard time deciding who was more beautiful. They were also well mannered and sensible. This made Mama Vicky at times, wonder how they came to possess such qualities because she knew her daughter Euna lacked the ability to inculcate such goodness into them, judging from her own wayward and unruly behaviours. She concluded that it must have been an inborn grace which was not acquired.



Thanks for reading! Check my blog often for subsequent chapters.





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