Reasons You Should Learn Programming with Python

in #utopian-io6 years ago (edited)

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Learning to program can be one of many people's New Year’s resolutions. And increasingly accessible thanks to languages such as Python, which has become one of the most famous programming languages of the moment, both for professional developers, amateurs, and inexperienced people. And not only that, marketers, mathematicians, engineers, psychologists, or branches as diverse as finance or medicine have joined the wave. It is interesting to see how something that once seemed exclusive to some professions, is opening more and more.

Why does everyone want to learn programming?

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There are two key factors that are driving different professionals from different sectors to be interested in coding, with different depth. Some want/need to know it thoroughly, master it and make programming the fundamental pillar in their work or in their projects. Others seek to program on their own, as something complementary to their employment. And a third group seeks to understand Python and the concepts of programming, in order to improve their professional profile and obtain independence. But they all have something in common: they want to speak the language of the future, computer programming.

1. The digital transformation has arrived
Thanks to the democratization of technology and the arrival of the internet, the revolution reached hundreds of thousands of entrepreneurs who, in defiance of the classic corporations, decided to make technology a competitive advantage with which to fight against the giants. And it worked. The adoption is increasing, and it no longer only affects entrepreneurs: banks, hospitals, educational centers ..., at last everyone has understood that technology is no longer an advantage, but a necessity.

That has also made the professions change, it is not enough to make delicious cupcakes, now you must know how to manage social networks and your own website. Other less artisanal profiles have also evolved. If before knowing HTML5 and CSS3 raised your options in Digital Marketing, now it is Big Data and Machine Learning. From trading to Blockchain, from medical prostheses to 3D printing, from classical teaching to Virtual Reality. The options are increasingly wider. But also the toughest competition, result? Best professionals.

2. Job satisfaction against the quality of life
When we say that technology has changed the way we behave, we forget something very important. The developers are those who are behind this change. Anonymous heroes - in most cases - that make you, right now, you can read this from your device and you can show it to anyone without much effort. Without them, we would still buy magazines and leave them to our friends.

The developers are the ones who make it possible that every day there are new apps that make life easier, comfortable, and better. Now you can talk through video with your family, no matter the distance, buy without physical money or meet people from home. Without them, none of this would exist. That is why they are so necessary, and so demanded. If the demand is high, the supply increases. But the lack of software developers is such that companies, aware of their importance, need to retain them, and for this it is not enough to be the protagonist of the evolution of society, but companies have transformed their work environments for the sake of the quality of life of the workers, and their conciliation with family life: remote work, holidays, good salaries, freedom.

Python as a Gateway

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Either to be part of the digital transformation or to opt for a job as a developer, many choose Python as the language that takes them to this world, becoming one of the favorite languages to start programming. But why? What does this special language have that has aroused so much interest in such different places? Is it the best?

Of course, let's leave something very clear: there is no better programming language. All have their strengths and weaknesses and each one has its own characteristics and functions, which will adapt in a better or worse way depending on what and how they are used.

7 Reasons you should learn programming with Python

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Python is an interpreted programming language, whose philosophy emphasizes a very clean syntax and a readable code. If you have the existential doubt of which programming language to learn for programming, here are 7 reasons, although there are many more, to program in Python. Let's start!

1. It's free and it offers us open source
If we talk about the license you have, this is Python Software Foundation License, a license very similar to the GPL, but with the exception that you can distribute the language binaries without having to append the sources.

2. It's Powerful
Python is an interpreted programming language oriented to objects, with the highest level of machine language abstraction. That is, instead of dealing with registers and memory addresses, in Python we have a paradigm that remodels the code to orient everything according to classes and objects, with a focus on ease of use on the optimal efficiency of the program. It is one of the best ways to deal with the increase of software systems, both in size and complexity, as well as to facilitate the modifications that big and small projects may suffer.

3. High prestige companies use Python to program all kinds of applications and services
Python is in a multitude of applications and services that we use regularly. It has a large list of high caliber users such as Google, YouTube or Facebook, which use this programming language. Little by little, Python is gaining territory and, among the experts, it has become one of the most requested and, above all, most essential languages of the moment. This shows us that programming in Python is the most viable and effective option in the market right now.

Another factor that has helped the rise and consolidation of Python is its great impact in various areas such as large-budget video games such as Battlefield 2 or Civilization IV, graphics animation (Disney), web development such as Google, Dropbox or NASA,  Artificial Intelligence, finance, robotics etc. 

4. Great quality in its syntax
The idea behind Python, which is also an open source language, is to make its syntax as close as possible to that of human language. Hence, it is a "simple" programming language to learn, providing you from the first moment with a great background that will not only facilitate learning but also prepare you to learn other object-oriented languages such as JavaScript. An example of its simplicity is its indentation. Code blocks are created by indentations, ensuring readability between work teams. This simplicity and accessibility make Python the favorite of many companies, large and small since it allows them high scalability in a very short time.

5. Very useful frameworks
Knowing the great utility and the high demand to incorporate developers. All this has led the developer community to create a whole compendium of frameworks that facilitate the development, expanding its environment and endowing it with versatility, robustness, and maturity.

Python is not only cross-platform and multi-paradigm, but it will also help us to develop any type of paths. For this to take place, this programming language has large-scale frameworks, which help from web development to the development of games or scientific algorithms of advanced calculations. A luxury!

6. Python: Object Oriented Programming (OOP)
If we talk about object-oriented programming, we can say that we are dealing with a paradigm that proposes modeling everything according to classes and objects, which offers us a use of concepts of cohesion, polymorphism, inheritance, abstraction and much more.

This programming paradigm is used to deal with the rapid increase in the size and complexity of software systems, and to facilitate the modification of these large and complicated systems over time.

7. It offers strong dynamic typing
Finally, it is worth highlighting the easy attribution of a variable that offers us any type of value, and best of all, anywhere in its source code.

Believe it or not, using this type of language is so entertaining that it will make your passion for the programming world more accurate.

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