The Space Business of Asteroid Mining; The Quadrillion Dollars Industry

in Project HOPE4 years ago

In my last few posts, I have been writing about asteroids in space and to be candid, I have been really impressed with the level of interactions on my posts. I can’t but say thank you to everyone that spends time going through my post and I hope to see more of you on my post.


Welcome to my blog, you can follow me @gbenga so you do not miss more exiting posts in the future. Also, if you haven’t subscribed to @project.hope, you should do that and I can bet you will not regret it.

Today, I will be looking at the space industry business and what will be of the industry in few year from now with asteroid mining.

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What is Asteroid Mining?

In other to give you this answer, first we need to understand what an asteroid is. Asteroids are rocks which can be regarded as smaller planets made up of oxygen, silicon, nickel, iridium, palladium, platinum, gold, magnesium, osmium, ruthenium, rhodium, water (H2o) and other precious metals and elements. Most of the asteroids were made almost the same year as earth. With this I think you might guess why asteroid mining is something that humans are interested in.

It is no doubt that we are using up so many of our resources on earth and with the level of depletion, very soon only a little number of resources will be available on the planet. With this, a lot of billionaire and space companies are looking into asteroid mining which is a quadrillion dollars industry. In simple logic, they are going to colonize a smaller planet which in some cases is just as big as a mountain, with technology to make money. I know you are wondering if asteroids are a big money and if it is worth our time and effort? Let me make a clear fact. There are over 16,000 asteroids in earth orbit and each of this asteroids can hold up to 2 trillion tons of water as well as surface resources. An asteroid named 2011 UW 158 is said to have up to 90 million tons of platinum in its core as well as other metals which gave it a worth of about $300 Billion to $5.4 Trillion. Now take a look at the total amount of asteroid in earth orbit and how much you think asteroid miners will be making.

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Who is Already in the Business?

There are so many things in the space for us but we haven’t gotten them yet, but while people are still looking at mining on earth, a few companies are already looking into mining asteroids a few are Deep space industry and Planetary Resources.

How Will This Work?

Like we know that there different asteroids in space and not all contain resources needed by humans which means a few are useless. There are three types of asteroids which are the chondrite (type C) which contains clay and silicate rocks, Stony (Type S) which consists of silicate materials and nickel iron, and Metallic/ Nickel-iron (Type M) which consist of iron and nickel.

Asteroid surfaces are not easily accessible so near earth asteroids are being targeted for mining and in other to identify the type of asteroid to be mind, a remote sensing technology is used to see radar images of the asteroid and their resources characteristics.

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Mining on asteroid will be automated since there are no gravitational field in an asteroid, there will be very little energy needed to enter into an asteroid as well as leave the asteroid and it will not be advisable to risk humans on it. Automated vehicles are being worked upon for asteroid mining where the vehicles mine resources in an asteroid and save them in a container after which the container returns back to earth. The first asteroid automated ship is going to be lunched this year (2020) but not with the aim to mine, rather with the aim to get data about the asteroids and the amount of resources available after which it would begin mining in 2022 if resources are confirmed to be present in targeted asteroids.


Finding an asteroid rich in resources is something that takes time as asteroids are very small when viewing them and you can tell how difficult it can be with over 16,000 asteroid in earth orbit to choose from. One other challenge is the fact that asteroid aren’t stationary and unlike earth that is big and its rotation can be felt, asteroids are smaller and their movement will be visible which could make it difficult to land an automated vehicle on it.


Humans will find a way to mine as many asteroids as possible if they can mine one successfully which could be worth trillions of dollars. Also, with asteroids, it could be easy to get fuel for rockets due to the resources and could serve as a reserve or backup for earth if one day all we go out of resources.


Resteemed already. Upvote on the way :)

 4 years ago 

@tipu curate

 4 years ago 

Dear @gbenga

Interesting choice of topic. Im so so tired to read about C19 or hive/steem. Finally something different ... :)

I can’t but say thank you to everyone that spends time going through my post and I hope to see more of you on my post.

And I hope to see more of you on other PH members posts too :P

Back to main topic. I've been lately thinking a lot about "Asteroid Mining" (since you've mentioned that it may be very lucrative business in the future). Thx for sharing more info on that particular subject. Fascinating.

Imagine how mining those rocks could destabilize world economy. If all of sudden we could mine unlimited tons of gold. It's value would drop like crazy, drowning world economy.

Whatever resources we would start minining - those resources price would collapse right away. That would be very interesting economy. Full of crazy twists.

Enjoy your weekend,
Upvoted already, Piotr

Such a twist in the economy. There is a possibility that resources on earth might get exhausted soon due to continuous mining. Also mining asteroid will be useful in rocket fuel making the shooting to space cheaper

There is actually more to asteroid mining than I could ever imagine and I've actually learnt a lot from your write up when it comes to mining asteroids. I'm also aware of the huge millions one can make from the mining process since there are lot of resources that could be generated during the process.

Also, with asteroids, it could be easy to get fuel for rockets due to the resources and could serve as a reserve or backup for earth if one day all we go out of resources.

Wow! You mean rocket fuel are always gotten from asteroids? I'm actually hearing this for the first time though. I'm quite sure the fuel extracted from asteroids won't only be used to power rocket but there are other things that it may actually power apart from that.

Thanks for sharing this great post with love from @hardaeborla in courtesy of @crypto.piotr and always remember to #staysafe 💕💕❤️💕💕❤️❤️💕

Wow! You mean rocket fuel are always gotten from asteroids?

Currently, rocket fuels aren't gotten from asteroids but converting resources on asteroids can help produce rocket fuel in the future.

 4 years ago 

Wow. great subject, as always the human in search of his supremacy above all.

I wonder what will happen to the waste that comes from that extraction.


There is always a negative effect to every thing we humans do and waste is one of the most detrimental of them all. I hope there will be a way to mine this with little or no waste destroying the space.

I always taught asteroids just poise a serious destruction to our planet, I never knew it had any advantage, I never knew asteroids had any advantage to our dear planet.

Humans always find a way to get beneficial substance from everything around us so we are taking the asteroids and making them beneficial.

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