
in #lighttheworld7 years ago (edited)

Last year, in the run up to Christmas, I ran with the LightTheWorld social media campaign on steemit and it seemed to go down quite well.

The purpose of the campaign is to try to remember the real meaning of the Christmas season. In many parts of the world the season has been hijacked by commercialism and turned into and seemingly endless parade of tinsel and tassels, spending, presents and ofttimes overindulgence of ourselves and others.

Its almost as if its become a month long obeisance to the "god of materialism" so much so that its now more frequently referred to as "the silly season."

How far this diverges from the real meaning of Christmas...

So as an antidote the campaign suggests 25 ways in 25 days to readjust our focus and realign ourselves with what we should be reminded of and focusing on.

So that's the introductory video, If you want a sneak peak of more that's to come you can check it out here

I plan to mix things up a little this year...

I will post some to get and keep the ball rolling, but as with last year I will be getting some help from @hanshotfirst. His children loved the activities so much last year he was more than willing to help out when I was going to be offline for a week or two.

To rotate things around alot we will be inviting fellow steemians to put their "spin" on the suggestions. @hanshotfirst and I will (perhaps some others too) will also be voting up contributions from you.

We are still figuring out the logistics of how all this will work and other details but in the meantime this is a heads up to keep an eye on the lighttheworld hashtag on steemit and elsewhere.


I don't think I've read any of your posts beyond the title so the flag isn't about the content. I'll just keep flagging until I see one of your post not systematically upvoted by @timsaid / @blocktrades delegation.


I remember last year's project, it was wonderful. Perhaps this was the first thing in the last few years that made me feel the Christmas spirit :)

Great to hear, this year I hope to get a lot more of us more deeply involved.

I can't wait to get started! This weekend my daughter asked "Are we going to do the good deed days again this year?" I was so happy she asked and even happier to say "yes". She may have forgotten the name of the initiative but she didn't forget the sentiment behind it. Thanks for bringing this initiative to steemit!

I am really looking forward to see what the creative and caring people on this platform contribute to this idea.


I hope the enjoy it again, I'm looking forward to it.

the origins of xmas are pagan... it is the celebration of the winter equinox.... additionally jesus was not born that day.... it is all fake... God is in the heart and can be celebrated every/any day

None of what you say is untrue, but it is still nice to have a time of year when we are reminded of the greatest of events.

Reminders are necessary in this rat race we find ourselves immersed in.

Reminders are necessary in this rat race we find ourselves immersed in.

the odds are dire but the crisis is also necessary, a good twist may happen at any moment.

I so love this topic. You are a blessing @gavvet for the way you really helped us to give thoughts to things that we previously accepted, just because society said it was so.
If people celebrated christmas in the way it should then the churches would be full and the pubs empty, but as we have now with each passing year become more morally bankrupt where Gods word has little or no meaning to many.where Gods word has been watered down. So we are correct, christmas is just a big excuse to eat and drink twice as much as you normally do. I myself am a practicing Christian, and one year i was out having a drink with my friends as you do, and i said to this woman standing at the bar beside me, isnt it a wonderful thing what christ did for us, being born as man and to die on the cross for our sins. she looked at me in amazment as if i had two heads and said are you f—–g stupid you dont beelive in all that crap do you,i said yes i do. i must have been really stupid to think people had the same outlook as me and unless you are a true christian and truly know what christmas represents youll know that you dont need to go out and spend a fortune on stuff youll know christ is with you all the time you know christmas is in your heart every day in the way you act towards other people. i love christmas for what it represents ,i hate what it has become, the world may change but Gods word is unchanging. christmas if done properly can be uplifting and wonderful ,if done badly can bring sorrow and heartache,and in this consumer ridden world i think it is more likley to be the latter,where shops make a fortune and people get deeper into debt celebrating something they dont belive in or do for 48 hrs till its all done .
To me the true meaning of christmas was lost years ago and if we don't do something urgent, it might not come back.

Awesome post @gavvet.

I too hate what it has become...

Wow. This is really beautiful. You are going places. I dint know this campaign existed. Thank you for bringing this to our notice because most of us here joined this year. This is why i love steemit. Glad it is giving us a medium to impact the world and change misconceptions that has lurked around for years.
At its heart, Christmas is a story of reconciliation. A baby was born to offer forgiveness to those who need it most. In the same way, the holiday season creates opportunity to offer forgiveness and reconciliation to those who need it most in our lives. We can take the first step. Even before an apology has ever been uttered, we can lay the foundation for reconciliation that makes it possible.
People may desire to harm us, but wishing pain and suffering upon them in response only compounds the hurt. Harboring resentment, ill will, and bitterness in our hearts allows their actions to control us indefinitely into the future. On the other hand, wishing goodwill upon those who hurt us frees our soul. And it allows us to move on to better things.
These are the themes of Christmas and we should grant them freely.
Maybe the greatest gifts we can give during Christmas are the very things we most desire to receive.
Will watch out for the hashtags. More grease to your elbow.

Thanks for your awesome contribution.

Great campaign i must say. Freely you have received, freely you give.
But Christians should also recognize, and help non-Christians to see as well, that the true meaning of Christmas lies elsewhere. When the angels announcing Christ’s birth sang about “good will toward men” [Luke 2:14], they were not singing about people showing good will toward other people, but about God showing good will toward men. The point is that in Christmas God acted in a magnificent way to show goodness and love toward us. So i believe as God gave his only begotten son, we are to use this as a medium to reach out to those who dont have as much as we have, a time to show love as God freely gave. Thanks for the campaign. Its a good one. Mindsets need to change

Wow. This is just awesome. I am just hearing about this campaign for the first time and i must commend you for such a wonderful thoughts about Christmas. Just like you pointed out, its about giving as you have recieved. Christmas commemorates the birth of Jesus, the greatest Gift that has ever been given by anyone at any time. Any gift that we give with love is a reflection of our Creator who first gave to us.

Thanks for getting this some exposure here. I am going to do this this year.

My son who at 4 years, already speaks of Christmas as the period of gifts, because at his school he speaks with these friends.
We try to make him understand the importance of Christmas, a gathering, family, love.
The society of today does not help us in this way, all that we teach it is poluted by the superficial and commercial side; it's a shame.
Outside this holiday season we try to teach him sharing, tolerance but at 4 years it is a very hard job. Thank you for sharing and for what you do.

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