Just how Goldilocks is planet Earth?

in #science7 years ago (edited)

In the story of Goldilocks things are not too big, not too small, not too hot, not too cold etc. everything is "just right".

In solar systems there appears to be a "goldilocks zone" which is in the "habitable" zone or a zone where life like our own may emerge on a planet because there is an appreciable atmosphere and liquid water on the surface.

This zone exists in a region where a planet is not too close to the sun but also not too far. It's orbit is "just right". Too close to the sun and any water would boil away, too far from the sun and it would all be frozen.

Also it turns out that the size of the planets found within this zone must also be not too big and not too small.

So not only must the planet be in the Goldilocks zone, it must also be a Goldilocks planet.

Our solar system has 3 planets which could qualify as being in the habitable of Goldilocks zone.

  • Earth
  • Mars
  • Venus

Each of these has had an atmosphere and likely surface water at some stage of its planetary evolution. Mars may even have harbored microbial life.

img source

But, Earth of the 3, is the only one that proved to be "just right". It's size was perfect for its distance from the sun and furthermore it has the Moon to stabilize its spin and axial tilt.

Mars was perfect, for a while, but because it is a lot smaller than earth it lost internal heat more rapidly and its molten core froze. Without a molten core it lost its magnetic field generated by flows of metals inside the planet. This left Mars's atmosphere exposed to the abrasive solar wind and gradually its atmosphere was stripped away.

Mars lost most of its water and what little was left is found in two frozen polar ice caps or frozen beneath the surface of the rusted soil. It's this iron oxide(rust) coated soil and dust that gives mars its rust red colour and cause the ancients to name it after their god of war.

Venus likely also had appreciable amounts of water in its atmosphere and on surface but being a little closer to the sun at some time got to hot. This overheating caused water vapor to escape into its upper atmosphere where it too was stripped away by the solar wind.

The water left on Venus now is mostly "heavy water" containing deuterium. This enrichment in deuterium is all that remains after the lighter isotopes of water had been removed at some distant time in the past.

Without enough water to form rain there was nothing to stop the build up of carbon dioxide and other nasties in the atmosphere and besides the air being toxic Venus now has a surface temperature in the region of 400 degrees thanks to the effect of greenhouse gasses etc.

So not only is Earth in just the right zone within the solar system, it is also just the right size for its orbital distance.

Two more "just right's" to add to the so called "fine tuned" universe.


Good post - nice, simple throwback to primary school.

However, I would like to add a possible amendment. Deuterium is not "heavy water", it is "heavy hydrogen" and is an unstable isotope of Hydrogen with 2 neutrons instead of one.


fixed wording, thanks

i am new follow me and upvote please

I had never read why Mars and Venus actually failed. I should have already known this, but somehow I didnt. Appreciate this informative piece.

The necessity of innumerable complex, precise conditions and the unlikelihood of those conditions being exactly so, by chance, is in my view one of the greatest proofs of God's existance.

I know complexity does not prove God exists but it is an explanation for the otherwise inexplicable. Better and more logically sufficient in my view than what some say, "nothing plus nobody multiplied by time, equals everything".

At least that's how I see it. But great post. Thought provoking.

Have an amazing day.

Interesting equation!

Cant take credit for that, it is a paraphrase from pastor.

Thanks though.

Smart fellow that pastor

If something that is complex by definition must have been "created or designed". Who or what created God. Would God not be complex? there is only one possible solution. Spontaneous Existence. Either God spontaneously existed and created the Universe or the Universe spontaneously existed.

All the facts you mean't mention sound quite accurate, distance and size do play a major roll when it comes to planetary evolution and the possibility for life .

I will earn money on this site with money can I get a ticket to MARS :) :))
I always wanted to be an astronaut when I was younger
then the girls would not be astronauts -lol-
after a long time I realized it was a lie
it was too late now: /
Thank you very much for your writing. It was something I was interested in.
Thank you.
sorry for my bad english.

Got your point but the concept of habitable zone or most suitable condition for a life to form on a planet, what is it exactly? Because we are nearer to the sun and the amount of sunlight, the presence of water, atmosphere, humidity (and other earthly condition) is exactly favourable for the kind of life form that is present here on earth...but lets suppose a planet far far away..extremelyy cold and very different from earth ..would not there be any chance that the planet is habitable to completely different form of species that does not need heat, atmosphere or water to survive unlike we earthian?

chemical reaction are typically retarded by lower temperatures... that life would have to be quite different from what we know.

Loved the title, gave me a good chuckle. Nice read thanks.

We are so arrogant as species. Virus is living organism which hibernate in unfavourable environments and become alive in proper conditions. So there is life all over the universe! If we can’t intellectually grasp something that doesn’t mean it’s non existent. So goldilock zone can be applied only to species known to humans. Few years ago scientists discovered microorganisms which thrive in anaerobic inviroment, deep in volcanic springs. Lava definitely can’t be considered as “proper” inviroment for biological thriving.

extremophiles... but not as abundant and diverse as water and oxygen lovers

How do you know so much, is this your field of work? Did you study space etc?

natural sciences are my sideline

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